Answer Key
1. Best linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) is a method used for evaluation of
Answer: Sire
2. The SNF % in cow milk as per Prevention of Food Adulteration Act is
Answer: 8.5
3. The nutritive value of paddy straw is enhanced by urea treatment which is due to
Answer: increase in the nitrogen content as well as breakage of ligno-cellulose bond
4. The optimum level of crude protein in the diet of broiler chick is
Answer: 20 – 23%
5. Which one of the following is correctly matched
Answer: Vitamin A – Carotene
6. Fermentation of cellulose in rumen results in formation of
Acetic acid
Propionic acid
Butyric acid
Answer: All the above
7. White muscle disease can be prevented by
Answer: Selenium
8. Which of the following is correctly matched
Answer: Dog – Whelping, Goat – Kidding, Pig – Farrowing
9. Hardness of water is due to the presence of
Answer: Calcium and Magnesium salts
10. Thermophilic organisms require the temperature of
Answer: above 40 °C
11. Red dysentery in calves is caused by
Answer: Eimeria zureni
12. Castor oil is classified as a
Answer: irritant purgatives
13. Foot rot is caused by
Spherophorus necrophorus
14. Prolene is a
Answer: Synthetic non-absorbable suture material
15. Which one of the following disease is transmitted congenitally
Answer: Tuberculosis
16. The condition in which crystals of uric acid or urates of sodium and calcium are deposited in the tissues is called
Answer: Gout
17. In cows, after parturition, the placental membranes are considered as “retained” if they are not expelled within
Answer: 12-24 hours
18. Females that have never conceived or carried a young one is called as
Answer: Nullipara
19. A circumscribed cavity in the epidermis containing pus is called as
Answer: Pustule
20. Which one of the following has the highest arterial blood pressure
Answer: Birds
21. Causative bacteria for Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (HS), a disease encountered in cattle is
Answer: Pasteurella multocida
22. Which one of the following is correctly matched
Answer: Generalised subcutaneous oedema – Anasarca
23. Humoral immunity is produced because of
Answer: B-Lymphocytes
24. Malignant tumours are always harmful because
Tumours may metastasize in other vital organs
There is rapid growth
There are chances of reoccurrence
Answer: All the above
25. Feed intake in chicks decreases with increase in temperature and hence supplemented with
Answer: Vitamin E
26. Meat meal can be supplemented in poultry diet at
Answer: 8 % level
27. A chick requires in its ration
Answer: More than 20% protein
28. The largest sheep breed in India is
Answer: Lohi
29. The ratio of bone to meat is more favourable in
Answer: Pigs
30. Maximum permissible level of lead in drinking water is
Answer: 0.05 ppm
31. The most ideal contrast agent used for spinal radiography is
Answer: Metrizamide
32. Relative humidity in any well-ventilated building should not exceed that of the outside air by more than
Answer: 7 °F
33. Drug of choice for canine leptospirosis
Answer: Doxycycline
34. Cerebellomedullary cistern is penetrated for the collection of CSF in the following space
Answer: Atlanto-occipital space
35. The important feature of avian lung in gas exchange is
Answer: Gas flows during inspiration and expiration
36. Growth of Penicillum spp on egg shell or just inside it causes
Answer: Pin spot
37. Fibrous strands that connect the papillary muscle to the valvular cups of heart is termed as
Answer: Chordae tendineae
38. Inflammation of tongue
Answer: Glossitis
39. Proto-Oncogenes in normal cell codes for
Answer: Stimulation of cell division
40. Dideoxy chain termination method of DNA sequencing is developed by
Answer: Sanger
41. Following are the important features of secondary rumen contractions
Removal of CO2
Removal of CH4 (Methane)
Prevention of distension of rumen
Answer: All the above
42. How much kilogram of fodder can be stored in one cubic metre of silo pit space
Answer: 400 kg
43. Of all domestic animals, which pair of the following are able to withstand extremes of hot temperature
Answer: Cattle and Sheep
44. Chlorine is used in the dairy industry as a
Answer: Sanitizer
45. Which of the following is considered as counter current exchange in the kidneys
Answer: Vasa recta
46. The importance of hexose monophosphate pathway (HMP shunt) is because of it generates
(b) Ribose-5 Phosphate
Answer: both (a) and (b)
47. NABARD extends direct loans for
Answer: Agriculture
48. Key village unit covers an area comprising about
Answer: 1000 breedable cows and buffaloes
49. Milk production of India at the end of the Eleventh Plan (2011-12) was
Answer: 127.9 million tonnes
50. In infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) affected chicken, the harderian gland shows
Answer: Decreased number of plasma cells
51. The reason for seizure of a horse according to glanders and Fercy Act, 1899 is
Answer: Diseased
52. Sanitary Import Permit (SIP) is issued for high-risk products like
Answer: Meat & Meat products
53. Central Referral Laboratory (CRL) the apex laboratory of Tamilnadu state for diagnosis of livestock disease is located at
Answer: Institute of Veterinary Preventive Medicine (IVPM), Ranipet
54. Which of the following removes fine dust particles and other debris from the alveolar spaces
Answer: Macrophages
55. Which of the following segment of nephron is involved in counter current multiplication process
Answer: Loop of Henle
56. The QRS complex in ECG would immediately proceeds which of the following event?
Answer: Ventricular contraction
57. In dogs the most commonly occurring coagulation defect haemophilia A is due to the deficiency of
Answer: Factor VIII
58. Which one of the following suture materials belongs to organic non absorbable
Answer: Silk
59. Gerber‘s acid is used to estimate
Answer: Fat percentage of milk
60. A cross between a male donkey and a mare is termed as
Answer: Mule
61. Boar odour is commonly seen in the meat of
Answer: Uncastrated adult male
62. Specific media used for isolation of coliform organisms
Answer: MacConkey agar
63. Cow milk is slight yellow in colour because of the pigment
Answer: Carotene
64. The advantages of fetotomy is
(a) It reduces the size of the foetus
(b) It avoids caesarean operation
Answer: Both (a) and (b)
65. The C.L persists throughout pregnancy in all farm animals except
Answer: Mare
66. Characteristic “cup shaped” depressions are seen in the surface of
Answer: Calcivirus
67. Instrument(s) used for Fetotomy
Gunther‘s knife
Thygesen‘s embryotome
Concealed palm knife
Answer: All the above
68. Hard pad disease is caused by
Answer: Morbilivirus
69. Marbling (intramuscular fat in meat) is rich in
Answer: Mutton
70. The holding period for animals in lairage after transport should be minimum of
Answer: 12 hours
71. Which of the following species possess highest sperm concentration per ml of semen
Answer: Poultry
72. The host which harbours the sexually mature parasites of some other definitive host is known as
Answer: Reservoir host
73. Cells called as nurse cell or sustentacular cells of testis
Answer: Sertoli cells
74. Ovine ketosis is more common during
Answer: Late gestation
75. The glycoprotein produced by virus infected cells are
Answer: Interferon
76. A cow apparently always in heat is known as
Answer: Buller
77. Buffalo breed with highest milk yield
Answer: Murrah
78. Pashmina fibre is produced from the goat breed
Answer: Chegu (Cashmere goat breed)
79. Point of elbow is formed by
Answer: Olecranon Process
80. Deltoid tuberosity is present on the lateral surface of
Answer: Humerus
81. Point of croup is formed by
Answer: Tuber sacrale and median sacral crest
82. Father of white revolution
Answer: Vergese Kurien
83. Young chicken less than 28 days old at slaughter and weighing not above 750 grams. are known as
Answer: Poussins
84. Epidural anaesthesia in sows can be given in
Answer: Lumbosacral space
85. The drug used for induction of parturition in equine is
Answer: Oxytocin
86. The protein coat that covers the nucleic acid of the infectious virus particle is known as
Answer: Capsid
87. Hjarre’s disease in poultry is caused by
Answer: E.coli
88. Chinese letter or Cuneiform arrangement is characteristic of
Answer: Corynebacteria
89. Important biochemical change in baby pig disease is
Answer: Hypoglycemia
90. In India, most buffaloes calve between
Answer: November and March
91. Death of foetus in a sterile uterus may leads to a condition called
Answer: mummification
92. Continuous or machinery murmur on auscultation is suggestive of
Answer: patent ductus arteriosus
93. The cheese that can be made by using skim milk is
Answer: cottage
94. National Institute of Animal Biotechnology is located at
Answer: Hyderabad
95. As compared to other milks, human milk is rich in
Answer: lactose
96. Who postulated the theory of chromosomal basis of linkage
Answer: T. H. Morgan
97. Gulab Jamuns are prepared from
Answer: Khoa
98. Offal in poultry is
Answer: both edible & inedible
99. Watery pork refers to
Answer: PSE (Pale, Soft & Exudative) condition
100. Sustained release drug for pasture bloat
Answer: Monensin
101. The by-product obtained in the manufacture of cheese is
Answer: Whey
102. The suspected carcasses during post–mortem examination is kept for detailed examination in
Answer: Detention room
103. Absence of rigor-mortis in the carcass may result when animals were
Answer: having High fever
104. Anthrax is characterized by
Dark coloured blood oozes out from natural orifices
Rigor mortis absent or incomplete
Rapid decomposition of the carcass
Answer: All the above
105. Most common cause of canine hypothyroidism
Answer: Lymphocytic thyroiditis
106. The first cloned water buffalo calf name is
Answer: Samrupa
107. Nesting behavior in birds is associated with the hormone
Answer: Estradiol
108. The Red revolution is a revolution which is related to the production of
(a) Tomato, (b) Meat
Answer: both (a) and (b)
109. CP equivalent value of urea
Answer: 281%
110. Synonym for random mating
Answer: Panmixia
111. Death in rabies is due to
Answer: paralysis
112. Bitterness of milk is due to
Answer: All the above
113. Animal species which is not affected by FMD
Answer: Rhinoceros
114. Surgery for removal of urinary calculi in the bladder
Answer: Cystotomy
115. Sporadic infection is caused by
Answer: Tetanus
116. GnRH is secreted from
Answer: Hypothalamus
117. Nucleated ___________ are seen in Fowl
Answer: All the above
118. Ability of an organism to cause disease in a particular host , in terms of severity is known as
Answer: Virulence
119. For staining milk smear during direct microscopic count, a special stain used is
Answer: Newman’s stain
120. The common indicator organisms used for determining faecal contamination in frozen and thermized foods are
Answer: Enterococci
121. Which of the following is not correctly matched
Answer: GNC – Ricin
122. Water requirement is related to
Answer: Dry matter intake
123. Cross between a male horse and female ass is
Answer: Hinny
124. Ranikhet disease is caused by the virus
Answer: Paramyxovirus
125. Characteristic lesions of Ranikhet disease
Answer: Haemorragic proventriculitis
126. Split estrus is usually seen in
Answer: Young bitches
127. In ruminants HCl and pepsin are secreted in
Answer: Abomasum
128. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of
Answer: Microcytic hypochromic anaemia
129. VFA given with milk replacer for development of ruminal epithelium in young calves
Answer: Butyrate
130. Among the following domestic animals, sweating ability is highest in
Answer: Horse
131. Culture media used for the isolation of Leptospira
Answer: EMJH medium
132. Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis is caused by
Answer: Sarcocystis neurona
133. Cortisol increases blood glucose level by
Answer: Increasing gluconeogenesis
134. Tuberculin test is based on
Answer: Hypersensitivity
135. Act of mating in sheep is known as
Answer: Tupping
136. Which of the following is not an anabolic hormone
Answer: Estrogen
137. Twisting of bowel on itself when it passes through a tear in the mesentery, is called as
Answer: Volvulus
138. Negri bodies are pathognomonic inclusion bodies seen in
Answer: Rabies
139. Dark field microscopy is used for examination of
Answer: Spirochaetes
140. Capillary rupture and haemorrhage occurs due to deficiency of
Answer: Vitamin C
141. Sheep scab is caused by
Answer: Psoroptes ovis
142. Drug of choice for Schistosoma parasite infestation?
Answer: Praziquantal
143. Administration of drugs through the skin by means of electric current is called as
Answer: iontophoresis
144. The transmission of swine pox virus between pigs done through mechanical route of transmission by insect vectors
Answer: Hematopinus suis
145. Who is the father of mycology?
Answer: Heinrich Anton de Bary
146. In poultry the feed intake will be higher when
Answer: Feed poor in energy
147. Straus test is used for the diagnosis of
Answer: Brucellosis
148. The main cause of death in case of burn during latter stage is
Answer: Secondary bacterial infection (Sepsis)
149. In sows, maternal recognition of pregnancy is mainly due to the action of
Answer: Estrogen
150. Skin obtained from fully grown large animals is known as
Answer: Hide
151. The starter culture used in the production of yoghurt contains
Streptococcus thermophilus
Lactobacillus bulgaricus
Answer: All the above
152. Which of the following parasite causes tumour in dogs?
Answer: Spirocerca lupi
153. Infectious Necrotic Hepatitis in sheep is caused by
Answer: Clostridium novyi type B
154. Spiti horse breed originated from Spiti valley located in
Answer: Himachal Pradesh
155. The space between the incisors and the premolars of rabbits and rodents is known as
Answer: Diastema
156. The packed erythrocytes per unit volume of blood and is expressed as a percentage
Answer: Hematocrit
157. Major volatile fatty acid (VFA) responsible for glucose synthesis in cows
Answer: Propionate
158. The entire collection of proteins that an organism produces is known as
Answer: Proteome
159. Chemical used for fumigation of poultry house is
Answer: Formalin
160. Average dressing percentage of Goat
Answer: 40 – 50
161. Pseudo lumpy skin disease is caused by
Answer: Bovine herpes virus-2
162. Bluish green discoloration of yolk is due to feeding of __________ to chickens
Answer: Cotton seed meal
163. Inhaled anaesthetics is also called as ‘laughing gas’?
Answer: Nitrous oxide (N₂O)
164. Antibiotic causing bactericidal effect
Answer: Fluoroquinolones
165. Nerve paralysis and nodules in visceral organs are seen in
Answer: Marek’s Disease
166. Which of the following technique is used for detection of number of foetuses in bitch?
Answer: Radiography
167. Intervertebral disc protrusion are common in which of the following breed of dog
Answer: Dachshunds
168. The condition required for sterilization by autoclave
Answer: 121° C for 30 minutes at 15 psi
169. National Institute of High Security Animal Disease (NIHSAD) located at
Answer: Bhopal
170. Which of the following is removed during spaying (ovariohysterectomy) in dogs?
Answer: Ovaries and uterus
171. Presence of “Sulphur granules” in the infected tissues which is pathognomonic for animals infected with
Answer: Actinomyces bovis
172. Central Frozen Semen Production & Training Institute is located at
Answer: Bengaluru
173. Mercuric Chloride test is used for diagnosis of _______ in camels
Answer: Trypanosomiasis
174. The parts of Artificial Vagina can be sterilized by ____________ method before it is used for semen collection to avoid the contamination and disease transmission
Answer: Autoclave
175. To attain the cornual nerve block in goats, along with the cornual nerve additionally ________ nerve has to be blocked
Answer: Infratrochlear Nerve
176. Night blindness caused by a reduced concentration of rhodopsin in the rod is often used to determine
Answer: Vitamin A deficiency
177. The major protein in egg yolk is
Answer: Ovo vitelline
178. Pigment responsible for “bluish green” shell colour is
Answer: Oocyanin
179. During moulting the feathers first moult at which part of the body
Answer: Head
180. Muzzle twitch is a common restraint applied in
Answer: Horse
181. Lead poisoning, also known as
Painter’s colic
Answer: All the above
182. Delhi boil is a synonym of which disease
Answer: Cutaneous Leishmaniosis
183. Kangaroo sitting posture in pigs is due to the deficiency of
Answer: Biotin
184. The immunoglobulin class which can cross the placenta is
Answer: lgG
185. Kidney fat and Peri-renal fat in pork is also known as
Answer: Leaf fat
186. The largest living mammals in the world Blue whales belongs to the order
Answer: Cetaceae
187. Wave represents contraction of ventricle in ECG
Answer: QRS wave
188. Only caprine seen in Western Ghats
Answer: Nilgiri Tahr
189. When a vaccine is given orally, which type of immunoglobulin generated in the largest quantity
Answer: IgA
190. Haemolysis may occur when a blood cell is placed in a
Answer: Hypotonic solution
191. Which of the following drug act as an immunostimulant?
Answer: Levamisole
192. X rays have the most harmful effect on the
Answer: Gonads
193. Severe bleeding from the uterus of large animals may be controlled by
Answer: Oxytocin
194. Mulberry heart disease in pigs is due to the deficiency of
Answer: Vitamin E
195. Loose arrangement of mitochondrial sheath in spermatozoa results in condition called
Answer: Cork screw defect
196. Among the following which are isotonic?
0.9% sodium chloride
5.0% dextrose
Lactated Ringer’s solution
Answer: All the above
197. Scientific management of animal waste
Answer: Copronomy
198. Veterinarian involved in BCG vaccine
Answer: Guerin
199. The act of killing in Jewish method is known as
Answer: Schechita
200. Syrupy urine is seen in
Answer: Horse