Previous Next Animal Husbandry Economics MCQs General Instructions There will be 10 questions per page You can use Previous and Next Buttons to navigate between the pages Correct Answer will be displayed immediately after choosing an option Click Next button below to start 1. When was the first livestock census conducted in India 1919 1929 1939 1949 None 2. Break-even point is the output level corresponding to minimum of Marginal cost Variable cost Average Total cost Average Fixed cost None 3. Shutdown point is the output level corresponding to minimum of Marginal cost Variable cost Average variable cost Average Fixed cost None 4. Price spread is the difference between Producer price and consumer price Fixed price and variable price Average price and marginal price Average cost and marginal cost None 5. Demand change with the change in following except Income Price Tax Taste of preference None 6. The demand for livestock products are keep on increasing because they have Price elastic Income elastic Price inelastic Income inelastic None 7. A set of ideas developed for the operation of co-operatives Rochdale principles Roger principles Kurian principles Kelsey principles None 8. Important economic traits in cattle Milk yield and tupping percentage Milk yield and calving interval Milk yield and weaning weight Milk yield and coat colour None 1 out of 1 Time's up Comments and Discussion Previous Next Related