Previous Next Livestock Production and Management MCQs General Instructions There will be 10 questions per page You can use Previous and Next Buttons to navigate between the pages Correct Answer will be displayed immediately after choosing an option Click Next button below to start 1. Act of mating in case of pig Tupping Serving Covering Coupling None 2. Female pig which has conceived for the first time is called as Gilt Open Gilt Closed Gilt Sow None 3. The smallest piglet born in a litter is called as Stag Gilt Runt Pup None 4. Horn pattern of jaffrabdi buffalo Sickle Drooping Tightly curved Sword None 5. The act of giving birth in rabbit Kidding Queening Kindling Farrowing None 6. Shortest sheep breed in India Ramnad White Nellore Mandya Mechri None 7. Permanent hardness of water is due to Nitrites of calcium and magnesium Chlorides and sulphates of calcium and magnesium Phosphates and chlorides of sodium and potassium All the above None 8. Piglets should be given iron injection by _______ after birth 3 days 3 weeks 3 months Not needed None 9. The Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute (CSWRI) is located at Izzatnagar Avikanagar Mathura Modinagar None 10. Leucaena leucocephala is a Grass fodder Legume fodder Tree fodder None of the above None 11. Indubrasil is a cross between Kangayam and Kankrej Gir and Kankrej Red Sindhi and Kankrej Sahiwal and Kankrej None 12. In Philippines Buffalo is known as Kerban Carabao Arana Dango None 13. The rabbit breed used for fur production is New Zealand White Soviet Chinchilla Angora White Giant None 14. Which one of the following term is not related to horse? Colt Gilt Filly Mare None 15. Gestation period of rabbits is ____________ weeks 3 4 5 6 None 16. The chemicals used for fumigation are Potassium permanganate and iodine Potassium permanganate and formaline Bleaching powder and iodine Bleaching powder and formaline None 17. Among following which one is the safest source of drinking water Surface water River water Deep well Shallow well None 18. This practice is not comes under proper milking method and should be avoided Intermittent milking Knuckling full hand milking all the above None 19. Crone is the synonym of the Young sow Broken mouth sow Old aged ewe Ewe with loss of teat None 20. Central Avian Research Institute (CARI) is located at Izatnagar Banglore Hyderabad Hosur None 21. This breed produce the “Premium market milk” due to golden color of milk Sahiwal Gir Guernsey Vechur None 22. Breed of cattle from Kerala Rathi Vechur Bargur Punganur None 23. Central Institute for research on goat is located at Karnal Izzatnagar Makhdoom Hissar None 24. Galvayne’s groove will reach the entire length of teeth at the age of 10 years 20 years 30 years 40 years None 25. In a dairy Cow, milking operation should be completed within 2 - 3 minutes 5 - 7 minutes 10 - 15 minutes 15 - 20 minutes None 26. In temporary dentition ___________ is absent Incisors canine teeth premolar teeth molar teeth None 27. Which of the following animals has a gestation period of three months, three weks and three days ? Dog Cat Pig Sheep None 28. Which one of the following is not the native cattle breed of Tamilnadu Alambadi Bargur Sindhi Pulikulam None 29. The native breed of cattle in southern districts of Tamilnadu Kangayam Umbalacheri Alambadi Pulikulam None 30. Central Cattle breeding farm is located at ___________ in Tamilnadu Bargur Sivagangai Alamadhi Echankottai None 31. The method of growing fodder without soil is known as Aquaculture Horticulture Hydroponics Micropropagation None 32. Which of the following is correctly matched The act of parturition in cattle - Lambing The act of parturition in goat - Kidding The act of parturition in Dog - Queening The act of parturition in cat - Whelping None 33. Which is the home tract of Bargur Cattle Erode Krishnagiri Salem Dharmapuri None 34. Average space required for cattle weighing 300-400kg in a railway wagon on road vehicle is 1.4 sq. meter 1.8 sq. meter 2 sq. meter 2.5 sq.meter None 35. DCP percentage is high in Sorghum hay Paddy straw Lucerne hay Oat hay None 36. AFDP stands for Advanced feed development programme Accelerated fodder development programme Acute fodder development programme Additive feed development programme None 37. In which scheme the provision for Livestock insurance compound was available National Animal Disease Control Programme National Dairy Plan National Livestock mission Rashtriya Gokul Mission None 38. Dwarf cattle breed of Kerala Punganur Vechur Pulikulam Malanad Gidda None 39. How many milking should be recorded while purchasing first calving animal One time Two consecutive Three consecutive No need None 40. Tarai breed belonging to Uttarakhand is a Cattle breed Buffalo breed Sheep breed Goat breed None 41. The dairy animals can be kept in open padlock throughout the day and night except during milking is termed as Conventional barn system Semi intensive system Extensive system Loose housing system None 42. National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) was established in 1955 1965 1975 1985 None 43. Which goat breed is known as the Jersey cow of the goat world? Sannen Anglo Nubian Togenberg Angora None 44. Which one of the cattle breed is known as "Wadhiar"? Ongole Kankrej Kangeyam Krishna Valley None 45. Average feed consumption of an adult indigenous pig is 1 kg/day 2 kg/day 3 kg/day 4 kg/day None 46. The Dental pad is absent in the upper jaw of Cattle Buffaloes Horse Sheep None 47. The highest point of roof is Cave Ridge Overhang Span None 48. Which one of the following instrument is commonly used for opening the mouth of dairy cow? Muzzle Gag Cradle Halter None 49. Ear notching is commonly practised for identification method in Pigs Horse Camel Poultry None 50. Garole sheep breed belongs to Orissa Assam West Bengal Tamilnadu None 51. What is the floor space requirement for cow? 3 sq. meter 3.5 sq. meter 4 sq. meter 4.5 sq. meter None 52. Normal twining rate in Goats 30% 40% 50% 60% None 53. Milk yield range of Kangeyam Cow 400 to 500 kg 600 to 700 kg 800 to 900 kg 1000 to 1100 kg None 54. Which breed is famous for Jallikattu in southern parts of Tamil nadu Kangayam Umblachery Pulikulam Bargur None 55. Commonly used dairy sanitizer is Chloramine Iodine compound Calcium hypochlorite Quaternary ammonium compound None 56. The vestigial first premolar teeth of the horse is popularly known as Canine teeth Wolf-teeth Pinchers Hippers None 57. Which breed of native bullocks were utilized by Tipu Sultan to carry cannons in the war against East Indian Company? Kangayam Umblachery Amritmahal Ongole None 58. As per breeding policy of Tamilnadu, use of Holstein Friesian (HF) bull semen is recommended for grading up of Non-Descript breed of cows in the areas like Coimbatore, Udumalpet, Pollachi and Dharmapuri Nilgiris, Kanyakumari and Kodaikkanal Thanjavur, Thiruvarur and Nagai Districts Madurai, Thirunelveli and Viruthunagar district None 59. Backing the horse is done to Turn the horse Train the horse for riding To find out defects in the loin to lead the horse None 60. Record maintenance in an organized dairy farm will not be helpful To know the breeding performance To monitor feeding performance of animals To protect the animals from natural calamities To know the production performance of animals None 61. Hallikar is a Milch breed Drought breed Dual purpose breed All the above None 62. Red Kandhari cattle belongs to Punjab Madhya Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra None 63. Prolonged feeding of pigs with fish meal will lead to White muscle disease brown fat disease pipe stem liver disease milk spot liver None 64. The breed of cattle which has high milk production and low fat percentage is Jersey Holstein Friesian Brown swiss Guernsey None 65. Indigenous swine breed of South India Karaknath Ankamali Nilgiri Deccani None 66. The indigenous cattle breed which is called as "White Sindhi" Ongole Tharparkar Sahiwal Rathi None 67. Large white Yorkshire pig is native of Southern England Northern England Western England Eastern England None 68. The home tract of Jamnapari goat breed is Uttar Pradesh Punjab Madhya Pradesh Hariyana None 69. National Research Centre on Yak is located at Srinagar Dirang Medziphema Guwahati None 70. Buffalo breed found in the Nilgiri hills Tarai Godavari Toda Kundi None 71. A cow apparently always in heat freemartin buller heater hermaphrodite None 72. Method(s) of drying off dairy cows intermittent milking incomplete milking complete cessation of milking all the above None 73. Lola is the synonym of which Indian cattle breed Red Sindhi Sahiwal Gir Tharparkar None 74. The gestation period of sheep is about 65 days 115 days 150 days 180 days None 75. Nilgiri breed of sheep originated from Coimbatore Tasmanian Merino Cheviot South Down All the above None 76. Gestation period in mares is about 250 300 340 400 None 77. Buffalo breed with highest milk fat content among the below is Murrah Nagpuri Jaffarabadi Mehsana None 78. Teats should be dipped in sanitizing solution before milking after milking both of the above none of the above None 79. As age of the cow increases, milk protein, fat and SNF remain constant increase decrease are not related to age None 80. The tallest breed of sheep in India, resembling goats in appearance Nellore Trichy black Mandya Madras Red None 81. Reason for cannibalism is genetic predisposition deficiency of salt overcrowding all the above None 82. Junction between the skin and the hoof pastern coronet fetlock dew claw None 83. Highest donkey population seen in Tamil Nadu Maharashtra Rajasthan Karnataka None 84. Buffalo breed possesses two white collars, one round the jaw and the other round the brisket Murrah Surti Mehsana Bhadawari None 85. Project Directorate on Cattle is located at Karnal Izatnagar Meerut Hisar None 86. The first farm animal to be domesticated was cow sheep horse pig None 87. Indigenous breed(s) of horse Marwari Kathiawari Spiti All the above None 88. Study of animal behavior is Etymology Ethnobiology Ethology Ethnology None 89. Act of mating in sheep kidding farrowing tupping coupling None 90. Ideal dry period in crossbred cattle is 30 days 45 days 60 days 75 days None 91. Average feed consumption of an adult indigenous pig is 1 kg/day 2 kg/day 3 kg/day 4 kg/day None 1 out of 10 Time's up Comments and Discussion Previous Next Related