Previous Next Poultry Science MCQs General Instructions There will be 10 questions per page You can use Previous and Next Buttons to navigate between the pages Correct Answer will be displayed immediately after choosing an option Click Next button below to start 1. Brooder pneumonia in poultry is caused by Pasturella multocida Candida albicans Aspergillus fumigatus Mycobacterium avium complex None 2. The day of vaccination against Marek’s disease First day First week First month First year None 3. The anti-nutritional factor present in the egg albumen Cystatin Ovomucin Avidin gossipol None 4. The end product of protein metabolism in poultry is mainly Urea Uric acid creatinine Ammonia None 5. Study of birds which are not classed as poultry is known as Ecology Ornithology Apiology Caliology None 6. The major phospholipid of egg is Phosvitin Cephalin Lecithin Spingomyelin None 7. In poultry, true stomach is Crop Proventriculus Gizzard Abomasums None 8. Egg albumen is formed in the isthmus magnum infundibulum uterus None 9. Normally which ovary & oviduct is functional in chicken Right ovary and Right oviduct Left ovary and Left oviduct Right ovary and Left oviduct Left ovary and Right oviduct None 10. Most susceptible host to aflatoxicosis is Goat Sheep Chickens Ducklings None 11. EDS ‘76 is caused by Herpes virus Corona virus Adenovirus Poxvirus None 12. Modern chicken are descendents of the which following wild species Gallus gallus (Red junglefowl ) Gallus varius (Green junglefowl) Gallus sonneratii (Grey junglefowl) Gallus lafayetti (Srilankan junglefowl) None 13. In which part of the cloaca in birds, bursa of fabricus opens? Urodeum Proctodeum Coprodeum Vent None 14. In poultry breeding studies, it is found that egg weight and egg production traits are Positively correlated Negatively correlated Environmentally correlated Not at all correlated None 15. Duck viral hepatitis is caused by Paramyxovirus Picorna virus Adenovirus Herpes virus None 16. What is the duration between two consecutive egg laying in chicken 12 -16 hrs 16-20 hrs 25-26 hrs 30-35 hrs None 17. Disease of poultry which is not caused by virus is Chronic respiratory Disease Infectious Bronchitis Infectious Laryngo trachitis Ranikhet Disease None 18. The amino acid which has a primary role in the prevention of muscular dystrophy in chicks is Glycine Cysteine Histidine Phenylalanine None 19. The pigment responsible for the brown eggshell in chicken Crustacyanin Oocyan Ooporphyrin Tetrapyrroles None 20. The causative agent of crop mycosis (thrush) in young chickens and turkeys Cryptococcus neoformans Microsporum nanum Candida albicans Microsporum gypreum None 21. Among the following poultry species, which is least susceptible to Aflatoxicosis? Chicken Guinea fowl Duck Turkey None 22. Chicken with dark coloured meat, blood and internal organs Aseel Vanaraja Kadaknath Gramapriya None 23. Major constituent of poultry egg shell is Magnesium Copper Calcium Phosphorus None 24. Post mortem of chick shows foul smelling yellow-brown watery Yolk, fibrinous perihepatitis and pericarditis, suspect the disease Infectious Bronchitis Infectious Coryza Fowl Typhoid Coli Bacillosis None 25. The Rhode Island Red chicken belongs to Asiatic class English class Mediterranean class American class None 26. In poultry farm, Light is essential for Warmth Growth Egg production Disease prevention None 27. The inclusion bodies seen in the epithelial cells of trachea of infectious laryngotracheitis are Intracytoplasmic Intranuclear Both None None 28. What is the incubation period for hatching Japanese quail eggs 17 days 21 days 24 days 28 days None 29. Male line used in Broiler poultry Leghorn Cornnish Plymoth Rock New Hampshire None 30. The organism present in high concentration in pigeon droppings is Cryptococcus neoformans Rhinosporidium seeberi Toxoplasma gondii Aspergillus flavus None 31. Infectious bronchitis in poultry is caused by picorna virus herpes virus corona virus paramyxovirus None 32. Shell less eggs / leathery eggs in poultry are characteristic features of _________ disease Infectious Bursal Disease Marek’s Disease Infectious Bronchitis New Castle Disease None 33. Two caeca are seen in cattle horse dog birds None 34. Two caeca are seen in cattle horse dog birds None 35. The anti-nutritional factor present in the egg albumen Cystatin Ovomucin Avidin gossipol None 36. Standard FCR of a broiler bird is 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.0 None 37. In birds, main site of erythrocyte destruction is lymph nodes spleen bone marrow liver None 1 out of 4 Time's up Comments and Discussion Previous Next Related