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Which type of Anthrax is common in human beings Pulmonary form Cutaneous form Reproductive form Intestinal form None 7. A set of ideas developed for the operation of co-operatives Rochdale principles Roger principles Kurian principles Kelsey principles None 8. The definitive host for Taenia saginata is Cattle Human Dog Pig None 9. In poultry breeding studies, it is found that egg weight and egg production traits are Positively correlated Negatively correlated Environmentally correlated Not at all correlated None 10. The abdomen is lined by the serous membrane known as Diaphragm Pericardium Peritoneum Lamina externa None 11. "Marbling of the lung" is a characteristic feature seen in Anaplasmosis Leptospirosis Vibriosis Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia None 12. The ratio of Trimethoprim : Sulfa in potentiated sulfa is 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:5 None 13. Calcium disodium EDTA is the drug used in Copper poisoning Lead poisoning Mercury poisoning Molybdenum poisoning None 14. Enteric form and myocardial form occur in which disease? Infectious canine hepatitis Canine distemper Parvoviral disease Rabies None 15. Organ called as "Voice box" is Trachea Pharynx Larynx Epiglottis None 16. Biphasic curve temperature is the characteristic symptom of which disease? Infectious Canine Hepatitis Rabies Canine distemper Parvoviral diseas None 17. "Sheep nasal fly" is synonymically called as Tabanus ovis Oestrus ovis Melophagus ovis None of the above None 18. Inability to close the eyes is termed as Ectropion Panopthalmia Lagopthalmia Ptosis None 19. The suture pattern used for intestinal anastomosis is Simple continuous suture Purse string suture Gambee suture Quil suture None 20. Heart is supplied by Aorta Coronary arteries Pulmonary arteries Brachiocephalic trunk None 21. Urine of horse suffering from Azoturia contains Haemoglobin Methemoglobin Myoglobin Uric acid None 22. In a dairy Cow, milking operation should be completed within 2 - 3 minutes 5 - 7 minutes 10 - 15 minutes 15 - 20 minutes None 23. Temporary relationship between two organisms, where in one transports another is known as Symbiosis Mutualism Commensalism Phoresy None 24. Dwarf tapeworm of poultry Cotugnia digonopora Choanotaenia infundibulum Davainea proglottina Raillietina echinobothridia None 25. Diffuse spreading suppurative inflammation of connective tissue is known as Abscess Pustule Phlegmon Sinus None 26. Liquefaction necrosis is most commonly seen in Heart Lungs Kidney Brain None 27. Shape of the Rabies virus is Oval Brick Bullet Spheical None 28. The following are PURGATIVES except Caster Oil Loperamide Docusate sodium Bisacodyl None 29. Which one of the antibody is called as secretory antibody IgG IgA IgE IgM None 30. The stabilizer used in ice cream preparation is Starch Gelatin Egg Yolk GMS None 31. Any establishment involving on experimentation on animals should be registered with SPCA AWBI PETA CPCSEA None 32. Collection of blood between the ear cartilage and skin of the dog is Otitis interna Otitis externa Otitis media Aural hemotoma None 33. Demand change with the change in following except Income Price Tax Taste of preference None 34. After pasteurization the Milk should be stored below ____ degree Celcius to retard the growth of surviving organism 15 10 5 0 None 35. The pigment responsible for the brown eggshell in chicken Crustacyanin Oocyan Ooporphyrin Tetrapyrroles None 36. Ventral diverticulum of eustachian tube in equines is Guttural pouch Pharyngeal diverticulum Isthmus faucium Auditus laryngis None 37. Umbalacheri breed is considered to be developed by crossing _____________ with local animals of Tanjavur Alambadi Bargur Pulikulam Kangayam None 38. National Dairy Research Institute is located at Mumbai Gujarat Karnal Bangalore None 39. Duck viral hepatitis is caused by Paramyxovirus Picorna virus Adenovirus Herpes virus None 40. Ruptured immature neutrophils in circulation are called as Smudge cells Basket cells Target cells Crenated cells None 41. Postmortem cooling of the body Rigor mortis Livor mortis Algor mortis Hypothermia None 42. Monoesterus animals are those having estrous cycle One per season - eg. Wild animal One per month - eg. Elephants One per year - eg. Wild animals One per lifetime - eg. Lion None 43. "Stormont test" is employed for diagnosis of Johny's DIsease Tuberclosis Black quarter Haemorrhagic septicemia None 44. A parasite which produces "barrel - shaped" egg with "bipolar plug" is Trichomonasis Trichuris Oxyuris (D) Bunostomum None 45. Bubonic plague is transmitted by Ctenocephalides felis Pulex irritants Xenopsylla cheopis Echidnophaga gallinacea None 46. Perosis in chicks is caused by the deficiency of Calcium Phosphorus Manganese Magnesium None 47. Monosodium glutamate is used to enhance Colour Flavour Texture Tenderness None 48. Net ATP produced through complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose 30 34 36 40 None 49. The native breed of cattle in southern districts of Tamilnadu Kangayam Umbalacheri Alambadi Pulikulam None 50. The organism first replicate in the myocytes then enters the nervous system at motor end plates in Canine distemper Canine encephalitis Rabies Tetanus None 51. Which one of the following puppy having low immunity against Parvo viral enteritis leading to high risk Rajapalayam Chippiparai Kombai Doberman None 52. In contagious ecthyma (ORB) the lesions seen are Papules, vesicles and pustules in foot Papules, vesicles and pustules in tail Papules, vesicles, pustules and scab in lips and corners of mouth Papules, vesicles, pustules and scab in ventral abdomen None 53. Which of the following animals has a gestation period of three months, three weks and three days ? Dog Cat Pig Sheep None 54. Which of the following is correctly matched The act of parturition in cattle - Lambing The act of parturition in goat - Kidding The act of parturition in Dog - Queening The act of parturition in cat - Whelping None 55. Nucleated RBC is present in Horse Dog Cat Birds None 56. Which one yields highest dressing percentage Goat Sheep Pig Buffalo None 57. Highly infectious viral disease of cattle and even after recovery the virus remains latent in sciatic and trigeminal ganglia Bovine ulcerative mammiletis Infectious Bovine Rhino tracheitis Bovine viral Diarrhoea Rinderpest None 58. Weil disease is Anthrax Leptospirosis Brucellosis Black quarter None 59. Avian influenza is caused by Paramyxovirus Herpes virus Orthomyxovirus Retrovirus None 60. Which one of the following is not the native cattle breed of Tamilnadu Alambadi Bargur Sindhi Pulikulam None 61. Central Cattle breeding farm is located at ___________ in Tamilnadu Bargur Sivagangai Alamadhi Echankottai None 62. Process of introducing air or any substance into the female organ of cow to get more milk is called as Beastiality Phooka Bishopping Mischief None 63. Which goat breed is known as the Jersey cow of the goat world? Sannen Anglo Nubian Togenberg Angora None 64. DCP percentage is high in Sorghum hay Paddy straw Lucerne hay Oat hay None 65. The nerve that may be compressed during difficult parturition is Sciatic nerve Obturator nerve Gluteal nerve Peroneal nerve None 66. Moraxella bovis causes Dermatitis in horses Pustular oedema in sheep Kerato conjunctivitis in cattle Sangene in pigs None 67. Chromosome number in Turner syndrome 46, XX 45, XO 46, XY 47, XXX None 68. Bestiality is punishable under the IPC section 272 273 377 420 None 69. Among the following poultry species, which is least susceptible to Aflatoxicosis? Chicken Guinea fowl Duck Turkey None 70. Type of giant cell seen in tuberculosis Reed-Stenberg cells Touton giant cell Langhan's giant cell Tumor giant cell None 71. Remnants of nuclear material appear as single or double spherical brush bodies in RBC are known as Heinz bodies Inclusion bodies Howell jolly bodies Lichy bodies None 72. Johne's disease is caused by Mycobacterium avium ssp avium Mycobacterium avium ssp paratuberculosis Mycobacterium simiae Mycobacterium xenopi None 73. Torsion of the uterus is most common in Horse Buffalo Sheep Dog None 74. In Trypanosomiasis, the main biochemical alteration in the blood is Hyperglycemia Hypoglycemia Hypocalcemia Hypoprotenemia None 75. Inflammation of caecum is known as Enteritis Colitis Typhlitis Proctitis None 76. Basophilic stippling is a hematological change seen in Arsenic poisoning Lead poisoning Mercuric poisoning Nitrate poisoning None 77. Which of the following animal has silent heat Cow Buffalo Sheep Goat None 78. Following is not included in the poultry giblets heart liver lung gizzard None 79. The worm causing macrocytic hypochromic anemia by competing with the host for Vitamin B12 is Dipylidium caninum Mesocestoides lineatus Taenia saginata Diphyllobotharium latum None 80. The breed evolved out of crossbreeding between Tharparkar Vs Holstein Friesian is Karan Swiss Thar Fries Karan Fries Holstein Parkar None 81. In which scheme the provision for Livestock insurance compound was available National Animal Disease Control Programme National Dairy Plan National Livestock mission Rashtriya Gokul Mission None 82. Which is the home tract of Bargur Cattle Erode Krishnagiri Salem Dharmapuri None 83. Important economic traits in cattle Milk yield and tupping percentage Milk yield and calving interval Milk yield and weaning weight Milk yield and coat colour None 84. Major constituent of poultry egg shell is Magnesium Copper Calcium Phosphorus None 85. Animal with ___________ should be slaughtered under emergency slaughter High fever Lumbar fracture Jaundice Bruices None 86. The iron requirement of baby pig is increased because of Its rapid growth rate High rate of hemoglobin synthesis Low placental transfer of Iron All the above None 87. Milk is an _______ emulsion Oil in oil Water in oil Oil in water Protein in oil None 88. The practice of increasing the nutrient intake of ewes prior to and during breeding is called as Flushing Creep feeding Restricted feeding Ship - a - day feeding None 89. Heart worm of dog Spirocerca lupi Dirofilaria immitis Trichuris vulpis Ancylostoma caninum None 90. The bovine uterus is attached to the lateral wall of pelvic cavity by Suspensory ligament Broad Ligament Ventral intercorneal ligament Dorsal intercorneal ligament None 91. Koch's blue bodies contain Sporonts Piroplasms Gamonts Macro Schizont None 92. Rat tailed appearance in horses is caused by Strongylus vulgaris Habronema majus Strongyloides papillosus Oxyuris equi None 93. Dwarf cattle breed of Kerala Punganur Vechur Pulikulam Malanad Gidda None 94. "Hooded" cervix is a problem in AI of Horse Sheep and Goat Dog Cattle None 95. Double spiny penis is present in Turtles Tortoices Snakes Lion None 96. In Kerala Sunandini cattle breed was evolved by crossing Jersey with Non descript Cattle Holstein with Non descript cattle Brown Swiss with Non descript cattle Vechur with Non descript cattle None 97. Air sac mite of fowl is Cytodites nudus Acarus favinae Caparinia triplis Glyciphagus domesticus None 98. ABC program stands for Animal Breeding Control Artificial Breeding Control Animal Birth Control Aquatic Breeding Control None 99. Arthrapod vector of Blue tongue disease is Biting flies Culicoides Mosquitoes Ticks None 100. Wildlife (protection) act was formulated in the year 1970 1971 1972 1973 None 101. Production of desirable changes in human behavior is called Skill training Experiential learning Education Learning None 102. In which type of mating in poultry, the males are kept separately in a pen and females are brought for mating one after another Stud mating Pen mating Flock mating Shift mating None 103. What is the duration between two consecutive egg laying in chicken 12 -16 hrs 16-20 hrs 25-26 hrs 30-35 hrs None 104. State Cattle Breeding farm for Sindhi breed is located at Barapet (Assam) Hessaaghatta (Karnataka) Hosur (Tamilnadu)