Answer Key
1. Lumpy skin disease virus belongs to the genus
Answer: Capripoxvirus
2. The safest and most efficacious therapy for cyanide poisoning is
Answer: Hydroxocobalamin
3. The specific antagonist of barbiturate is
Answer: Megimide
4. The antidote for propoxur toxicity is
Answer: Atropine sulphate
5. The genome of Coronaviridae is
Answer: RNA
6. Heart failure cells are mainly present in the_______
Answer: Lungs
7. The Trivalent FMD vaccine used in India contains the strains
Answer: O, A , Asia 1
8. The drug of choice in the treatment of wooden tongue is
Answer: Potassium iodide
9. The following species is resistant to botulism
Answer: Pigs
10. Ideal timing of expulsion of placenta in dairy cows is
Answer: 12 hrs
11. Brick -shaped virus is a characteristic feature of
Answer: Pox virus
12. Shell less eggs / leathery eggs in poultry are characteristic features of _________ disease
Answer: Infectious Bronchitis
13. Steroids decrease wound healing by
Inhibit inflammation
Decrease protein synthesis
Stabilize lysosomal membrane
Answer: All of the above
14. A tranquilizer having muscle relaxation effect is
Answer: Diazepam
15. The principle of ultrasound scanning is
Answer: Pulse- echo principle
16. Green stick fractures are commonly observed in animals
Answer: Young
17. Paneer is a _______ dairy product
Answer: Coagulated
18. Concentration and duration of CO2 stunning in pigs
Answer: 70% in air for 45 seconds
19. 17D vaccine is used as preventive measure in
Answer: Yellow fever
20. Simulium spp acts as a vector for
Answer: Leucocytozoon spp
21. Santa Gertrudis cattle breed was evolved in America using
Answer: Ongole
22. Jamaica Hope dairy breed was evolved using
Answer: Jersey and Sahiwal
23. Buffalo breed with highest milk fat content among the below is
Answer: Jaffarabadi
24. Transformation of one cell type to another cell type is known as
Answer: Metaplasia
25. Erythrophagocytosis is the main cause of anaemia in
Answer: Trypanosomosis
26. The major site for absorption of poisonous substances for mono-gastric animals is
Answer: Small intestine
27. Canada balsam is a
Answer: Mounting agent
28. The vector for Kyasanur forest disease
Answer: Haemaphysalis spinigera
29. Botulism in poultry is called as
Answer: Limber neck
30. Epizootic lymphangitis is otherwise called as
Equine histoplasmosis
African farcy
Answer: All of the above
31. Contagious Bovine PleuroPneumonia (CBPP) is highly
Infectious disease
Septicemic disease
Contagious disease
Answer: All of the above
32. The definitive host for Fasciolopsis buski is
Answer: Pig & Man
33. Hotis test is specific for
Answer: Streptococcus agalactiae
34. The genome of Parvoviridae and Circoviridae is
Answer: ss DNA
35. Type -I hypersensitivity reaction is mediated by
Answer: Ig E
36. Trypanosoma infection which is transmitted sexually
Answer: Dourine
37. Normal pH of blood is
Answer: 7.4
38. Which of the following disease is caused by herpes virus in cattle
infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR), Aujeszky’s disease (Pseudorabies), Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF)
Answer: All the above
39. By removing fat from milk, the specific gravity of milk
Answer: Increases
40. “Owl midge” is one of the common names of
Answer: Phlebotomus spp.
41. Ram’s head appearance of pupa is seen in
Answer: Phlebotomus (“sand flies”)
42. The drug of choice in the treatment of BQ
Answer: Penicillin
43. Herniation of bladder is called as
Answer: Cystocoele
44. All the hypophysiotropic hormones are peptides except
Answer: Dopamine
45. The ingestion of extracellular fluid is known as
Answer: Pinocytosis
46. A hilly cattle breed which is found in Darjeeling and Sikkim
Answer: Siri
47. Highest donkey population seen in
Answer: Rajasthan
48. Buffalo breed possesses two white collars, one round the jaw and the other round the brisket
Answer: Surti
49. First synthetic bird line to get registered by NBAGR
Answer: Vanaraja female line
50. Trisomic condition is represented as
Answer: 2n+1
51. Hide is a skin obtained from
Answer: Adult animal
52. Male line used in Broiler poultry
Answer: Cornnish
53. Circular hair loss and scaling are the clinical signs of
Answer: Ring worm
54. After entry in to the peripheral nerves the rabies virus travels at the rate of
Answer: 5-10mm per hour
55. Acepromazine produces paraphimosis in
Answer: Stallions
56. Opening of ripened abscess is known as
Answer: Lancing
57. Confirmative method to know the presence of sharp metal foreign body in rumen is
Answer: Radiography
58. The hormone that is most important for maintenance of lactation is
Answer: Prolactin
59. The birds are safely anaesthetized by using
Answer: Isoflurane
60. Excessive secretion of GH during foetal life causes
Answer: Gigantism
61. Emphysema of guttural pouch seen in
Answer: Strangles
62. Presence of suspicious foreign material in the fore stomach in post mortem in cattle is suggestive of
Answer: Botulism
63. Toxins produced by fungi
Answer: Mycotoxins
64. The medial patellar ligament is absent in which species
Answer: Camel
65. Tension band wiring technique is used for treatment of
Answer: Avulsion fracture
66. Psychrometer is used to measure
Answer: Relative humidity
67. Seasonal singing in birds is mainly influenced by the hormone
Answer: Testosterone
68. Monocytes number increases during
Answer: Chronic infections
69. In birds, main site of erythrocyte destruction is
Answer: Liver
70. Prolapse retainer a plastic device is used to keep in vagina to avoid recurrence in
Answer: Ovine
71. The test cross ratio in case of dihybrid cross is
Answer: 1:1:1:1
72. French straws for packaging frozen semen are made up of
Answer: PVC
73. The most abundant amino acid in collagen is
Answer: Glycine
74. The paired cartilage in the larynx is
Answer: Arytenoid
75. The longest cranial nerve is
Answer: Vagus
76. Sway back disease in lambs and kids is due to deficiency of
Answer: Copper
77. Which of the following is a water-soluble antioxidant?
Answer: Ascorbic acid
78. Heat destroys micro-organism by the destruction of
Answer: Proteins
79. Tamilnadu Dog breed having milky white body colour, pink nose and golden to brown and green eyes
Answer: Rajapalayam
80. Selective antidote for paracetamol toxicity is
Answer: N-acetylcysteine
81. The bonds in protein structure that are not broken on denaturation
Answer: Peptide bonds
82. Proud flesh which is a part of the normal wound healing response commonly seen in
Answer: Horse
83. Blood fluke is
Answer: Schistosoma bovis
84. Which one of the following diseases of cattle is known as Parturient paresis?
Answer: Milk fever
85. Common seat of obstruction with uroliths in horses is
Answer: Ischial arch
86. The specific antidote for arsenic poisoning in animals is
Answer: Dimercaprol
87. Conjunctivo Keratoplasty is a surgical treatment for
Answer: Corneal ulcer
88. Which species of animal is regarded as the “mixing vessel” for influenza viruses?
Answer: Pigs
89. Haemophilia in man is an example of
Answer: Sex linked inheritance
90. Cats are more susceptible to NSAID toxicity as they are deficient in
Answer: Glucuronyl transferase
91. White side test is used for diagnosis of
Answer: Endometritis
92. Percentage of Lignocaine used for local anaesthesia
Answer: 2%
93. Haemorrhagic lymph node (“Strawberry lymph node”) is the pathognomonic lesion found in
Answer: Classical Swine fever
94. The process of removal of skin during slaughter is called
Answer: Flaying
95. Transplacental transmission from mother to offspring occurs in
Answer: Toxoplasmosis
96. Slaughter house inspection area should have a light intensity of
Answer: 540 lux
97. A sexually deformed female partner of a heterosexual twin is called as
Answer: Freemartin
98. Number of ribs present in equines
Answer: 18 pairs
99. Milk vein (subcutaneous abdominal vein) in cows is formed by
Answer: Epigastric vein
100. Genes controlling sex influenced traits are located on
Answer: Autosomes
101. Degnala disease is common in
Answer: Buffalo
102. Molecular scissors are the name given to
Answer: Restriction endonucleases
103. Hindgut fermenter among the following domestic animal species
Answer: Horse
104. Which of the following blood cell is otherwise named as Platelet?
Answer: Thrombocyte
105. Mature worms of Dictylocaulus viviparous reside in
Answer: Bronchi
106. Which of the following parasite can be transmitted transovarially?
Answer: Babesia equi
107. Serum concentrations of ___________ increase in patients with liver failure?
Answer: Bilirubin
108. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) is belonging to
Answer: Retroviridae family
109. In Gram staining, if some bacteria retain the crystal violet stain after alcohol treatment and not take the secondary stain (safranin). Then the bacteria are?
Answer: Gram positive
110. Rabies Virus isolated from natural human or animal infection is termed as
Answer: Street virus
111. Common ectoparasites that occur on snakes and transmit protozoal diseases are
Answer: Ticks
112. A thin sheath of connective tissue that helps to connect flat muscles to bones and acts like tendons are called as
Answer: Aponeurosis
113. Which of the following is used to detect the presence of eggs of Oxyuris equi
Answer: Perineal swab
114. Bluish purple line (known as Burton’s line) is seen at the junction of teeth and gums in animals which indicates chronic poisoning with
Answer: Lead
115. Oncogenic food borne virus that is emerging as a possible zoonotic infection
Answer: Bovine leukaemia virus (BLV)
116. Rhodopsin is commonly referred as
Answer: Visual purple
117. Characteristic features of skin thickening, hyperpigmentation, and exaggerated skin lines are noted in
Answer: Linchenification
118. “Bovine bonkers symptom” is associated with __________ poisoning
Answer: Urea
119. The “Marsh test” is a highly sensitive method in the detection of poisoning related to
Answer: Arsenic
120. Head of the sperm (Acrosome) releases an enzyme which facilitates the entry of the sperm into the egg is
Answer: Hyaluronidase
121. Infections transmitted to man from lower vertebrate animals are known as
Answer: Anthropozoonoses
122. From which state of India Kyasanur Forest disease virus (KFDV) was first identified
Answer: Karnataka
123. Which of the following is not a liver fluke?
Answer: Fasciolopsis buski
124. Renal coccidiosis in equine is caused by
Answer: Klossiella equi
125. Atropine poisoning do not cause
Answer: Excessive salivation
126. The clearance test used in the measuring Glomerular Filtration Rate
Answer: Inulin
127. Which one of the following is used for the management of cerebral edema in dogs?
Answer: Mannitol
128. “Terry towelling effect” is related to which fungal infection in poultry
Answer: Candida albicans
129. An organ in female ticks which provides waxy coating on eggs
Answer: Gene’s organ
130. Lymph node biopsy smear is used for the diagnosis of
Answer: Theileria
131. “Sawai chal” gait is an unique feature of this cattle breed
Answer: Kankrej
132. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach is produced by
Answer: Parietal cells
133. The copper colour body coat is a characteristic feature of which buffalo breed
Answer: Bhadawari
134. Oxytocin is secreted from ______ during parturition
Answer: Posterior pituitary gland
135. Chronic hypertrophy and apparent suppuration of the horn-producing tissues of the foot, involving the frog and the sole.
Answer: Canker
136. The epiglottis is lined by
Answer: Stratified squamous epithelium
137. An area of the ischemic necrosis in tissues or organs due to sudden or complete stoppage of blood flow in an end artery or venous drainage of affected area is called as
Answer: Infarction
138. Kalnadai maruthuvar app was developed by
Answer: Tamilnadu State Veterinary Council (TNSVC)
139. Total permanent teeth in Pigs
Answer: 44
140. By-Pass protein indicate protecting the high-quality protein in the cattle feed from microbial degradation in
Answer: Rumen
141. The colour of the pigment nitrosohemochromogen found in cooked or smoked meat products
Answer: Pink
142. Bacterial spoilage in chilled meat is due to bacteria
Answer: Psychrophilic
143. The largest contribution to meat production in India is by
Answer: Poultry
144. The most heat-resistant pathogenic bacteria found in raw milk
Answer: Coxiella burnetii
145. Enzyme (Tyrosinase) which converts tyrosine to melanin requires ____ metal ions
Answer: Cu
146. End product of carbohydrate digestion in non-ruminants (mono gastric animals) is
Answer: Glucose
147. In India, most buffaloes calve between
Answer: November and March
148. Indigenous swine breeds of India
Ghungroo, Niang Megha, Zovawk, Tenyi Vo, Doom, Ankamali and Agonda Goan
Answer: All the above
149. Lasota is a monovalent live virus vaccine used for the immunization of chickens against the disease
Answer: RD
150. Trade name Lutalyse Injection contain
Answer: Dinoprost
151. Copulatory tie is observed during the successful mating of
Answer: Dog
152. Ruminants are more prone to RFM due to the placental type they have
Answer: Cotyledonary
153. Nodular taeniasis in poultry is caused by
Answer: Raillietina echinobothridia
154. According to PFA standard, the common salt content of butter should not be more than
Answer: 3 %
155. Malta fever is caused by
Answer: Brucella Spp
156. Eye worm of cattle
Answer: Thelazia rhodesii
157. World Milk Day is observed on
Answer: June 1
158. Basundi is an example of
Answer: Condensed milk
159. The “Good Cholesterol” is
Answer: HDL
160. Twinning in mare may leads to
Answer: Early embryo resorption
161. Rothera‘s test is routinely used in the diagnosis of
Answer: Ketosis
162. Bovine viral diarrhoea virus is antigenically related to
Answer: Hog cholera and Border disease (BD)
163. The genus Capripox virus composed of
Goat pox virus , Sheep pox virus, LSD virus
Answer: All the above
164. Culicoides midges act as vector and transmits
Bluetongue, Ephemeral fever, African horse sickness
Answer: All the above
165. Bovine farcy is caused by
Answer: Mycobacterium farcinogenes
166. “Sleepy foal disease” is caused by
Answer: Actinobacillus equuli
167. “Greasy pig disease” (Exudative epidermitis) in pigs is caused by
Answer: Staphylococcus hyicus
168. Phosphatase test is the test for finding out the efficiency of
Answer: Pasteurization
169. Gestation period of buffalo is about
Answer: 310 days
170. PMSG is a glycoprotein hormone similar to
Answer: FSH activity
171. Which one of the poultry diseases is not caused by virus
Answer: Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD)
172. Nystagmus commonly occur in which stage of anaesthesia in horse
Answer: Stage II
173. The home tract of Marwari sheep breed is
Answer: Rajasthan
174. Cryo surgery is done by using
Answer: Liquid nitrogen
175. Difference in intensity across the X-ray beam is called
Answer: Heel effect
176. Intravenous pyelography is a radiographic technique used to diagnose
Answer: Kidney function
177. The causative agent of “Lumpy jaw” in cattle is
Answer: Actinomyces bovis
178. During the proestrus stage________ is secreted by anterior pituitary gland
Answer: FSH
179. Which of the following is absorbable synthetic suture material?
(b). Polyglycolic Acid
(c). Polyglactin
Answer: Both b & c
180. The duration for continuous method of Pasteurization of milk is
Answer: 15 sec
181. The penetrative type of cash captive bolt pistol produces unconsciousness by
Answer: Physical brain destruction
182. Pleocytosis indicates
Answer: Increase in the number of nucleated cells in CSF
183. What is a cyst resulting from failure of the branchial arches to fuse?
Answer: Honey cyst
184. Ectoparasiticides can be applied to pregnant and breeding rams by
Answer: Hand bath
185. Isoelectric point of casein at its pH
Answer: 4.7
186. The virulence factor for streptococcus pneumoniae is
Answer: Capsular polysaccharide
187. Biological value of beef muscle is
Answer: 92
188. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a measure of the amount of Oxygen required by the microbes to assimilate available nutrients in a liquid system into microbial cell in
Answer: 5 days at 20°C
189. Post mortem inspection is done at ____ points
Answer: Head, viscera and carcass
190. The uric acid formed from nucleic acids, oxidation is oxidized in tissues of ruminants and excreted through urine in the form of
Answer: Allantonin
191. Recombinant human protein used as a drug in cancer condition
Answer: Interleukins
192. Dominance of a trait is due to
Answer: Intra allelic interactions
193. Bacteria infecting the perforated wound are
Answer: Anaerobic
194. The number of services that can be allowed per week for a healthy bull in its prime age is
Answer: 7
195. The pig requires …….. cubic feet in the sty
Answer: 200
196. Shovel beak is a disease of extensively reared chicks with
Answer: Feeding of dry mash
197. PGF2 alpha is used in embryo transfer technology because
Answer: It causes the synchronization of oestrus
198. Ketosis can be prevented by supplementing
Answer: Maize
199. Which one of the following is the correct sequence for development of X-ray film?
Answer: Developing, rinsing fixing, washing, drying
200. Best fertility rate can be obtained if cows are inseminated during the period of
Answer: Estrum