Previous Next Veterinary Pathology MCQs General Instructions There will be 10 questions per page You can use Previous and Next Buttons to navigate between the pages Correct Answer will be displayed immediately after choosing an option Click Next button below to start 1. Metaplasia of the epithelium is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K None 2. The neurological signs in tetanus are produced by Tetanospasmin Tetanolysin Both None None 3. Father of cellular pathology is Rudolf Virchow Giovanni Morgagni Vasant Ramji Khanolkar Sir William Osler None 4. “Stellate scars” are the characteristic lesions noticed in Nasal glanders Tetanus Cutaneous glanders African horse sickness None 5. Metaplasia of the epithelium is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K None 6. In IBR infection, the abortion most commonly occur during First trimester Second trimester Third trimester All the above None 7. Egg shell pimpling is seen with hypervitaminosis A hypovitaminosis A hypervitaminosis E hypovitaminosis E None 8. Sago spleen is seen in Splenomegaly Hypersplenism Amyloidosis Anthrax None 9. Air emboli seen in Brisket disease Caissons disease Hjarres disease Johnes disease None 10. Prolapse of 3rd eyelid condition is common in which disease Enterotoxemia Tetanus Anthrax Rabies None 11. Feather follicles are the most important source of infection in Ranikhet Disease Mareks Disease ILT IBD None 12. The term antibiotic was first used by Alexander Fleming Selman Waksman Robert Koch Louis Pasteur None 13. Wooden tongue is the other name for Lumpy jaw Glossoplagia Actinobacillosis Actinomycosis None 14. Inflammation of lymph node is called as (A) Lymphangitis (B) Lymphadenitis (C) Typhilitis Both (A) and (B) None 15. Sulphur granules in yellowish pus is seen in Staphylococcosis Actinomycosis Strangles Glanders None 16. Bronze discolouration of Liver in poultry is caused by Fowl pox Fowl cholera Fowl typhoid Avian Influenza None 17. Intranuclear inclusion bodies are seen in Pox diseases Herpes virus infection Adeno virus infection Lyssa virus infection None 18. In which disease post mortem of carcass is prohibited? Haemorragic septicemia Rabies Anthrax Brucellosis None 19. Zebra marking is predominant feature of Tuberculosis Rinderpest Anthrax All the above None 20. Clinical manifestation of canine parvovirus infection is/are: Haemorrhagic diarrhea Leukopenia Mycocarditis in pups All of above None 21. "Poll evil" in Horse is caused by Streptococcus equi Actinomyces bovis Brucella abortus All the above None 22. Bleeding from the oviduct is designated as Haematamiasis Hemosalpinx Epistaxis Melena None 23. Coughing up of blood is termed as Hemoptysis Epistaxsis Melena Haematemesis None 24. Haemoglobinuria is seen in Theileriosis Leptospirosis Salmonellosis Pasturellosis None 25. Tigroid heart is pathognomonic lesion in FMD Brucellosis Anthrax Straus disease None 26. Urine of horse suffering from Azoturia contains Haemoglobin Methemoglobin Myoglobin Uric acid None 27. "Marbling of the lung" is a characteristic feature seen in Anaplasmosis Leptospirosis Vibriosis Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia None 28. Hyperuricaemia leads to Gout Calcification Melanosis All the above None 29. Liquefaction necrosis is most commonly seen in Heart Lungs Kidney Brain None 30. Postmortem cooling of the body Rigor mortis Livor mortis Algor mortis Hypothermia None 31. Ruptured immature neutrophils in circulation are called as Smudge cells Basket cells Target cells Crenated cells None 32. Remnants of nuclear material appear as single or double spherical brush bodies in RBC are known as Heinz bodies Inclusion bodies Howell jolly bodies Lichy bodies None 33. Type of giant cell seen in tuberculosis Reed-Stenberg cells Touton giant cell Langhan's giant cell Tumor giant cell None 34. Highly infectious viral disease of cattle and even after recovery the virus remains latent in sciatic and trigeminal ganglia Bovine ulcerative mammiletis Infectious Bovine Rhino tracheitis Bovine viral Diarrhoea Rinderpest None 35. In contagious ecthyma (ORB) the lesions seen are Papules, vesicles and pustules in foot Papules, vesicles and pustules in tail Papules, vesicles, pustules and scab in lips and corners of mouth Papules, vesicles, pustules and scab in ventral abdomen None 36. The pathognomonic lesion in Johne's Disease is Zebra marking in intestine Button ulcers in intestine Mucosal folding with transverse corrugational thickening of intestine Haemorrhagic enteritis None 37. Inflammation of caecum is known as Enteritis Colitis Typhlitis Proctitis None 38. The organism first replicate in the myocytes then enters the nervous system at motor end plates in Canine distemper Canine encephalitis Rabies Tetanus None 39. What is pain due to compression of sensory nerve terminals in the area of inflammaton? rubor calor dolar tumor None 40. Which of the following post-mortem change is not seen in electrocution? Fracture of long bones Bloody discharge from natural orifice Hemorrhage in skeletal muscle Pulmonary oedema None 41. Telangiectasias means Dilatation of lymph vessels Dilatation of artery Dilatation of bronchus Dilatation of sinusoids None 42. Fibrinous peritonitis is commonly seen in Feline leukemia virus infection Feline infectious peritonitis Feline immuno defeciency virus Feline distemper None 43. In necrosis, fragmentation of the nucleus is called as pyknosis karyolysis karyorrhexis chromatolysis None 44. Cellulitis means inflammation of Epidermal cells of skin Dermis alone Dermis and subcutis Intracellular infiltration None 45. As postmortem decomposition takes place after the death of the fetus, the corneas become cloudy and grey at 6 hours 12 hours 18 hours 24 hours None 46. An abscess involving the sebaceous gland is Carbuncle Impetigo Acne Furunculosis None 47. In which degree of burn injury, the blisters are formed by exudation of plasma? 1st degree 2nd degree 3rd degree 4th degree None 48. Dunkop and Dikkop forms are noticed in Equine infectious anemia African horse sickness Glanders Hendra virus infection None 49. Inflammation of stifle joint is known as Laminitis Gonitis Joint mice Omarthritis None 50. Swine erysipelas is also called as Q-fever Diamond skin disease Apthus fever Splenic fever None 51. Liquefactive necrosis is common in brain because of the following except Rich lipid content Rich blood supply Rich lytic enzymes Lack of fibrous interstitium None 52. Presence of mucus in urine is common in Cattle Sheep Horse Dog None 53. In which stage of pox virus lesions involved in the spread of virus Pustule Vescicle Papule Macule None 54. Post mortem of chick shows foul smelling yellow-brown watery Yolk, fibrinous perihepatitis and pericarditis, suspect the disease Infectious Bronchitis Infectious Coryza Fowl Typhoid Coli Bacillosis None 55. Eosinophilia is seen in Skin diseases Allergic conditions Parasitic diseases All the above None 56. Which of the following technique is reliable for estimating fatty infiltration of liver Ultrasound Radiography Liver biopsy Laproscopy None 57. Polyuria may occur in the following conditions Diabetes mellitus Diabetes insipidus Chronic renal failure All the above None 58. CSF pressure is increased in Polioencephalomalacia Bacterial meningitis Hypovitaminosis All the above None 59. Buffy coat represents (A) RBCs (B) WBCs (C) Platelets Both (B) and (C) None 60. Crescent shaped RBCs are seen in Aplastic anemia Pernicious anemia Sickle cell anemia Megaloblastic anemia None 61. _____ is associated with enterotoxaemia in sheep Polyuria Pyuria Glucosuria Albuminuria None 62. Twisting of the neck that causes the head to rotate and tilt at an odd angle. forced gaze star gazing vertex torticolis None 63. Quadriplegia is a paralysis involving forelimbs hindlimbs hindquarter all the four limbs None 64. Deposition of carbon particles in the lungs referred as__________ pneumoconiosis silicosis anthracosis siderosis None 65. Wilm’s tumour is neoplasm of__________ lungs gall bladder kidney liver None 66. Large eosiniphilic Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies in fowl pox are called as poschen bodies bollinger bodies negri bodies guarneiri bodies None 67. Heart failure cells are mainly present in the_______ heart lungs spleen kidney None 68. A type of multinucleated giant cell seen in lesions with high lipid content such as fat necrosis, xanthoma, and xanthelasma and xanthogranulomas foreign body giant cells langhn’s giant cells touton giant cell tumour giant cell None 69. Steroids decrease wound healing by inhibit inflammation decrease protein synthesis stabilize lysosomal membrane all of the above None 70. Transformation of one cell type to another cell type is known as hyperplasia dysplasia metaplasia anaplasia None 71. Brown discoloration of lungs in CVC is due to Bilirubin Biliverdin Haemosiderin Ceroid None 72. Wet pox referred to systemic form of fowl pox cutaneous form of fowl pox diphtheritic form of fowl pox none of the above None 73. The tissue which cannot be replaced once destroyed is Nerve cells Cartilage Hepatocytes None of the above None 74. The leukocyte comparable to the neutrophil in birds is known as neutrophil basophil heterophil none of the above None 75. After entry in to the peripheral nerves the rabies virus travels at the rate of 1-2 mm per hour 5-10mm per hour 1-2 cm per hour 5-10 cm per hour None 76. "Turkish-towel" appearance of crop is a characteristic feature of thrush favus aspergillosis aflatoxicosis None 77. Monocytes number increases during sub-acute infections acute infections chronic infections none of the above None 78. Post mortem of chick shows foul smelling yellow-brown watery Yolk, fibrinous perihepatitis and pericarditis, suspect the disease Infectious Bronchitis Infectious Coryza Fowl Typhoid Coli Bacillosis None 1 out of 8 Time's up Comments and Discussion Previous Next Related