Previous Next Veterinary Surgery and Radiology MCQs General Instructions There will be 10 questions per page You can use Previous and Next Buttons to navigate between the pages Correct Answer will be displayed immediately after choosing an option Click Next button below to start 1. Traumatic suture needles are used for suturing Peritoneum Rumen Skin Intestines None 2. Principles of surgery is given by Joseph Lister Halstead William T G Morton Sushruta samhita None 3. Traumatic suture needles are used for suturing Peritoneum Rumen Skin Intestines None 4. Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball is known as Catract proptosis ptosis glaucoma None 5. Inflammatory tract having two openings_________ sinus tumour fistula abcess None 6. The test used to diagnose hip dysplasia Hanging limb Ortolani test Thomas test Discography None 7. For gas sterilization we can use carbon dioxide oxygen ethylene oxide nitrous oxide None 8. Inflammation of the sensitive laminae of hoof Arthritis Hoffitis Foot rot Founder None 9. Radical surgery is surgery done to correct malformations eliminate root cause remove damaged tissue conserve damaged tissue None 10. Father of radiology Luis Philip W.C.Roentgen R.Eberlin Lister None 11. Treatment of upward fixation of patella Lateral patellar desmotomy Medial patellar desmotomy Middle patellar desmotomy None of the above None 12. Sterilization of operation theatre done by Nitrous oxide gas Ethylene oxide gas Steaming UV irradiation None 13. Common site of occurrence of haematoma in dog is Ear Eyelid Tail tip Digit None 14. Surgical operation done to provide drainage and exposure for the vertical and horizontal ear canal. Bulla osteotomy Zepp's operation Ventriculectom Hyovertebrotomy None 15. The radiographic diagnosis of intestinal obstruction is done by using Conray -420 Barium sulphate Urographin Ipamidol None 16. Diffuse spreading suppurative inflammation of connective tissue is known as Abscess Pustule Phlegmon Sinus None 17. The suture pattern used for intestinal anastomosis is Simple continuous suture Purse string suture Gambee suture Quil suture None 18. Frequency mainly used for the purpose of diagnostic ultrasound 1 to 10 MHz More than 50 MHz 20 to 20000Hz less than 20 Hz None 19. Collection of blood between the ear cartilage and skin of the dog is Otitis interna Otitis externa Otitis media Aural hemotoma None 20. Which suture material is used to repair hernias or reinforce traumatized or devitalized tissues Staples Surgical mesh Tissue adhesive Autologous fibrin glue None 21. Wounds produced by friction is called as Abrasions Contusions Bruice Laceration None 22. Inability to close the eyes is termed as Ectropion Panopthalmia Lagopthalmia Ptosis None 23. Ventral diverticulum of eustachian tube in equines is Guttural pouch Pharyngeal diverticulum Isthmus faucium Auditus laryngis None 24. ABC program stands for Animal Breeding Control Artificial Breeding Control Animal Birth Control Aquatic Breeding Control None 25. The nerve block given for motorparalysis of eyelid is Mental nerve block Retrobulbar nerve block Auriculopalpebral nerve block Infratrachlear nerve block None 26. Organic non absorbable suture material Polyester Silk Nylon Polypropylene None 27. A closed wound which is produced by blunt objects results in damage to subcutaneous tissues without break in continuity of the skin surface is Bruise Contusion Hematoma Seroma None 28. Common site for obstructive uroliths in bullock is Prescrotal sigmoid flexure Neck of bladder Pelvic urethra None 29. Oozing of inflammatory exudates at coronary band in horse hoof is known as Curb Quittor Arthritis Laminitis None 30. The best anesthetic drug of choice for performing caesarean section in bitches is Ketamine Nitrous oxide Propofol Thiopental None 31. Last stage of wound healing is Epithelization Fibroplasia Wound contraction Vasodilatation None 32. Butterfly cast is used in the treatment of Hip displasia Elbow dislocation Shoulder dislocation Hip dislocation None 33. Which of the animal is having binocular vision Horse Cattle Dog Elephant None 34. Ranula is a Exudation cyst Retention cyst Dentigerous cyst Dermoid cyst None 35. Inflammation of the iris and the ciliary body is called as anterior uvetitis iritis Iridocyclitis Retinitis None 36. Gluteraldehyde is used for sterilization of endoscope gloves orthopedic set all of the above None 37. Surgical procedure done to arrive at a diagnosis or confirmation of a disease Reconstructive surgery Experimental surgery Explorative surgery Clinical surgery None 38. Phacoemulsification is used for the treatment of keratitis cornel ulcer blephritis cataract None 39. Canker is a disease condition affecting hoof wall navicular bursa ospedis tendon None 40. A tranquilizer having muscle relaxation effect is succinyl choline diazepam glycopyrrolate butorphanol None 41. The image produced by bone on the ultrasound machine monitor will be anechoic hypo echoic iso echoic hyper-ehoic None 42. Repeated movement at fracture site leads to non union delayed union mal union none of the above None 43. Ground glass appearance of radiograph seen in fracture dislocation ascites pneumonia None 44. The principle of ultrasound scanning is refraction diffraction polarization pulse- echo principle None 45. Opened eye is a characteristic feature of xylazine ketamine ether intraval sodium None 46. Green stick fractures are commonly observed in animals young adult old all the above None 47. All the hypophysiotropic hormones are peptides except CRH GnRH TRH Dopamine None 48. Mention the name of catheter used for drainage of pus from guttural pouch through nose Foleys catheter indwelling catheter Gunthers catheter None of the above None 49. Confirmative method to know the presence of sharp metal foreign body in rumen is USG radiography clinical signs physical examinations None 50. The basis of therapeutic ultrasound is pulse-echo reflection refraction absorption None 51. Surgical opening of crop in birds is known as pinionuy uvalotorny ingluvotomy caponisation None 52. The birds are safely anaesthetized by using ether isoflurane halothane nitrous oxide None 53. Connecting the bladder to skin by catheter through artificial route is called as cystotomy tubectomy tube cystostomy urethrotomy None 54. Posterior deviation of knee in horse is known as goat kne sheep knee calf knee knock knee None 55. Opening of ripened abscess is known as lancing counter opening excision None of the above None 56. The medial patellar ligament is absent in which species cow buffalo horse camel None 57. Backward deviation of knee is known as goat knee sheep knee knock knee bench knee None 58. The plaster of Paris contains CaCO3 CoSO4 CaSO4 MgSO4 None 59. Tension band wiring technique is used for treatment of simple fracture compound fracture avulsion fracture slab fracture None 60. The most common joint dislocation occurs in cow after slippery surface is fetlock joint knee joint hip joint hock joint None 61. Typical sign of ripened abscess is Pain Swelling Pointing Calor None 62. All the hypophysiotropic hormones are peptides except CRH GnRH TRH Dopamine None 63. A break in the continuity of soft tissue is called as Ulcer Wound Abscess Cyst None 64. Acepromazine produces paraphimosis in Colts Stallions Geldings Filleys None 65. The most common place of lodging of urinary calculi in ram is Sigmoid flexure Glans penis Urethral process Urinary bladder None 1 out of 7 Time's up Comments and Discussion Previous Next Related