Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
First Veterinary University
‘Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University is the first Veterinary university started exclusively for veterinary and animal sciences in the south Asia in 1989. It was founded in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.

Madras Veterinary College, Chennai

Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal

Veterinary College and Research Institute, Orathanadu

Veterinary College and Research Institute, Thirunelveli

Veterinary College and Research Institute, Salem

Veterinary College and Research Institute, Udumalaipettai

Veterinary College and Research Institute, Theni

College of Food and Dairy Technology, Koduvalli, Chennai

PG Research Institute in Animal Sciences, Kattupakkam, Chennai

College of Poultry Production and Management, Hosur

Project One
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Project Two
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