Previous Next 03:00:00 Mock Test 10 – TNVAS – Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Please read the Instructions There will be 200 MCQs, 25 MCQs per page, Total 8 pages. Click the Next and Previous buttons to navigate between the pages Time allotted is 3.00 hrs, answers will be submitted automatically after timeout You need not to answer all the questions, you can leave any questions unanswered and check the correct answer after submission Answers will be displayed after submission Kindly fill-up your email address to receive a copy of your test. All the Best !!! Click the Next button below to Start the test Name Email Phone 1. BLUP is a method used for evaluation of Cross-breeding programme Cows Sire Exotic blood level None 2. The standard SNF % in cow milk as per Prevention of Food Adulteration Act is 7.5 8.5 9 9.5 None 3. The nutritive value of paddy straw is enhanced by urea treatment which is due to softening of straw leading to increased microbial invasion increase in the nitrogen content in the paddy straw breakage of ligno-cellulose bond leading to release of cellulose increase in the nitrogen content as well as breakage of ligno-cellulose bond None 4. The optimum level of crude protein in the diet of broiler chick is 12 - 15 % 16 - 19 % 20 - 23% 24 - 27 % None 5. Which one of the following is correctly matched Vitamin A - Carotene Vitamin B - Night blindness Vitamin C - Leg weakness Vitamin D - Pyridoxine None 6. Fermentation of cellulose in rumen results in formation of Acetic acid Propionic acid Butyric acid All the above None 7. White muscle disease can be prevented by Cobalt Zinc Iron Selenium None 8. Which one of the following is not correctly matched Cattle - Foaling Dog - Whelping Goat - kidding Pig - Farrowing None 9. Hardness of water is due to the presence of Iron and silicate Zinc and phosphate Calcium and Magnesium salts Chlorine and flourine None 10. Thermophilic organisms require the temperature of 20°C 30°C 37°C above 40 °C None 11. Red dysentery in calves is caused by Toxocara vitulorum Bunostomum sp Eimeria zureni Toxoplasma sp None 12. Castor oil is classified as a Bulk purgatives Irritant purgatives Neuromuscular purgative Mechanical laxative None 13. Foot rot is caused by Spherophorus necrophorus Streptococcus sp Clostridium chauvoei Staphylococcus aureus None 14. Prolene is a synthetic absorbable suture material Biological non absorbable suture material synthetic non-absorbable suture material Biological absorbable suture material None 15. Which one of the following disease is transmitted congenitally Rabies Anthrax Poliomyelitis Tuberculosis None 16. The condition in which crystals of uric acid or urates of sodium and calcium are deposited in the tissues is called Gout Pica Myxedema Obesity None 17. In cows, after parturition, the placental membranes are considered as "retained" if they are not expelled within 1-4 hours 4-8 hours 6-8 hours 12-24 hours None 18. Females that have never conceived or carried a young one are called as Monotocus Primipara Unipara Nullipara None 19. A circumscribed cavity in the epidermis containing pus is called as Ulcer Papule Pustule Pimple None 20. Which one of the following has the highest arterial blood pressure Horse Cow Sheep Birds None 21. Causative bacteria for Haemorrhagic Septicemia, a disease encountered in cattle is Pasteurella multocida Corynebacterium tuberculosis Leptospira icterohemorrhagica Streptococcus sp None 22. Which one of the following is correctly matched Oedema of oviduct - Hydrocephalus Fluid in testes - Hemoocele Fluid in peritoneum - Hydropericardium Generalised subcutaneous oedema - Anasarca None 23. Humoral immunity is produced because of B-Lymphocytes T-Lymphocytes Large Lymphocytes Small Lymphocytes None 24. Malignant tumors are always harmful because tumors may metastasize in other vital organs there is rapid growth there are chances of reoccurance all the above None 25. Feed intake in chicks decreases with increase in temperature and hence supplemented with Calcium Sodium Vitamin E None of the above None 26. Meat meal can be supplemented in poultry diet at 3 % level 8 % level 12 % level should not be included None 27. A chick requires in its ration 20% protein less than 20% protein more than 20% protein more than 40% protein None 28. The largest sheep breed in india is Madras Red Marwari Lohi Kutchi None 29. The ratio of bone to meat is more favorable in Buffaloes Pigs Cattle None of the above None 30. Maximum permissible level of lead in drinking water is 0.4 ppm 0.8 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.3 ppm None 31. The most ideal contrast agent used for spinal radiography is Metrizamide Barium sulphate Iopamidol Iohexol None 32. Relative humidity in any well ventilated building should not exceed that of the outside air by more than 10 °F 7 °F 5 °F 2 °F None 33. Drug of choice for canine leptospirosis Berinil Buparvaquone Doxycycline Trickabendazole None 34. Cerebellomedullary cistern is penetrated for the collection of CSF in the following space Sacro-caudal space Atlanto-occipital space Lumbosacral space sacroscandal and lumbosacral space None 35. The important feature of avian lung in gas exchange is gas flows during inspiration and expiration only during inspiration only during expiration gas does not flow through lungs None 36. Growth of penicillum spp on egg shell or just inside it causes Yellow rot Pin spot Red not Black not None 37. Fibrous strands that connect the papillary muscle to the valvular cups of heart is termed as Trabacular cranae Chordae tendineae Crista terminalis Stria terminalis None 38. Inflammation of tongue Stomatitis Tongitis Glossitis Gingivitis None 39. Proto-Oncogenes in normal cell codes for Initiate apoptosis Stimulation of cell division Suppress cell cycle Causes DNA damage None 40. Dideoxy chain termination method of DNA sequencing is developed by Watson and Crick Maxam and Gilbert Sanger Kary Mullis None 41. Following are the important features of secondary rumen contractions except Removal of CO2 Removal of CH4 Prevention of distension of rumen Moving gases away from cardia None 42. How much kilogram of fodder can be stored in one cubic metre of silo pit space 100 kg 200 kg 300 kg 400 kg None 43. Of all domestic animals, which pair of the following are able to withstand extremes of hot temperature Dog and Cat Pig and Goat Cattle and Sheep Pigs and Cat None 44. Chlorine is used in the dairy industry as a sanitizer detergent wetting agent softener None 45. Which of the following is considered as counter current exchange in the kidneys Peritubular network Loop of Henle Vasa recta Efferent arterioles None 46. The imortance of hexose monophosphate pathway is because of it generates (a) NADPH (b) Ribose-5 Phosphate (c) Pyruvate both (a) and (b) None 47. NABARD extends direct loans for Agriculture Industry Fisheries None of the above None 48. Key village unit covers an area comprising about 5 square miles 50 square miles 1000 breedable cows and buffaloes 10,000 households None 49. Milk production of India at the end of the Eleventh Plan (2011-12) was 102.6 million tonnes 127.9 million tonnes 155.5 million tonnes 165.44 million tonnes None 50. In infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) affected chicken, the harderian gland shows Increased number of lymphocytes Increased number of plasma cells Decreased number of plasma cells Decreased number of lymphocytes None 51. The reason for seizure of a horse according to glanders and Fercy Act, 1899 is No license Poor miaintenance Poor fittings Diseased None 52. Sanitary Import Permit (SIP) is issued for high risk products like Meat &Meat products Csnine vaccines Wild birds Accessories for Pets None 53. Central Referral Laboratory (CRL) the apex laboratory of Tamilnadu state for diagnosis of livestock disease is located at Directorate of Animal health Studies, Madhavaram Institute of Veterinary Preventive Medicine (IVPM), Ranipet Centralized Clinical Laboratory, MVC, Vepery, Chennai Animal Disease Intelligence Unit , Madurai None 54. Which of the following removes fine dust particles and other debris from the alveolar spaces Macrophages Neutrophils Lymphocytes Eosinophils None 55. Which of the following segment of nephron is involved in counter current multiplication process Proximal convoluted tube Distal convoluted tube Collecting duct Loop of Henle None 56. The QRS complex in ECG would immediately procede which of the following event? Ventricular contraction Ventricular relaxation Aminopeptidase Pancreatic trypsin inhibitor None 57. In dogs the most commonly occuring coagulation defect hemophilia A is due to the deficiency of Factor VIII Factor XI Factor X Factor IX None 58. Which one of the following suture material belongs to organic non absorbable Polyester Silk Nylon (Polyamide) Poly propylene None 59. Gerber‘s acid is used to estimate Total SNF present in milk Fat percentage of milk Protein percentage of milk Water adulteration of milk None 60. A cross between a male donkey and a mare is termed as Pony Mule honkey broken horse None 61. Boar odour is commonly seen in the meat of Uncastrated young male Castrated young male Uncastrated adult male Castrated adult male None 62. Specific media used for isolation of coliform organisms Muller Hinton agar MacConkey agar Blood agar Triple sugar iron (TSI) agar None 63. Cow milk is slight yellow in colour because of the pigment turmeric chlorophyll xanthophyll carotene None 64. The advantages of fetotomy is (a) It reduces the size of the fetus (b) It avoids cesarean operation (c) It may cause injury to the uterus or birth canal Both a and b None 65. The C.L persists through out pregnancy in all farm animals except Cow Mare Ewe Sow None 66. Characteristic "cup shaped" depressions are seen in the surface of Parvovirus Morbilivirus Calcivirus Coronavirus None 67. Instrument(s) used for Fetotomy Gunther‘s knife Thygesen‘s embryotome Concealed palm knife All the above None 68. Hard pad disease is caused by Parvovirus Adenovirus Morbilivirus Coronavirus None 69. Marbling (intramuscular fat in meat) is rich in chicken chevon mutton rabbit meat None 70. The holding period for animals in lairage after transport should be minimum of 4 hours 8 hours 12 hours 72 hours None 71. Which of the following species possess highest sperm concentration per ml of semen bull sheep boar poultry None 72. The host which harbors the sexually mature parasites of some other definitive host is known as carrier host reservoir host intermediate host paratenic host None 73. Cells called as nurse cell or sustentacular cells of testis germ cells leydig cells sertoli cells none of the above None 74. Ovine ketosis is more common during immediately after lambing one week post lambing four weeks post-lambing late gestation None 75. The glycoprotein produced by virus infected cells are antigen interleukins interferon leukotrines None 76. A cow apparently always in heat is known as heater freemartin buller hermaphrodite None 77. Buffalo breed with highest milk yield Toda Murrah Surti Nili-Ravi None 78. Pashmina fiber is produced from the goat breed Chegu Angora Karakul Beetal None 79. Point of elbow is formed by Radial tuberosity Olecranon Process Tuber calcis Head of Humerus None 80. Deltoid tuberosity is present on the lateral surface of Scapula Humerus Femur Ulna None 81. Point of croup is formed by Tubercoxae Trochanter major Tuber sacrale and median sacral crest Tuber ischii None 82. Father of white revolution Mankombu Sambasivan Swaminathan Hiralal Chaudhuri and Dr. Arun Krishnsnan Vergese Kurien Durgesh Patel None 83. Young chicken less than 28 days old at slaughter and weighing not above 750 grams. are known as Poult Squab Poussins Veal None 84. Epidural anesthesia in sows can be given in Thoracolumbar space Lumbosacral space Sacrococcygeal space None of the above None 85. The drug used for induction of parturition in equine is Clenbuterol Oxytocin Progesterone Valathamide None 86. The protein coat that covers the nucleic acid of the infectious virus particle is known as Virion Viriod Capsid Capsomere None 87. Hjarre's disease in poultry is caused by Salmonella pullorum Salmonella gallinarum E.coli Pseudomonas None 88. Chinese letter or Cuneiform arrangement is characteristic of Cryptococcus Corynebacteria Pseudomonas Salmonella None 89. Important biochemical change in baby pig disease is anaemia hypoglycemia hypocalcemia hypothermia None 90. In India, most buffaloes calve between April and May June and August September and October November and March None 91. Death of fetus in a sterile uterus may leads to a condition called maceration mummification monster dropsy None 92. Continuous or machinery murmur on auscultation is suggestive of myocarditis pericarditis vegetative endocarditis patent ductus arteriosus None 93. The cheese that can be made by using skim milk is cheddar cottage swiss mozzarella None 94. National Institute of Animal Biotechnology is located at Ranchi Chennai Bengaluru Hyderabad None 95. As compared to other milks, human milk is rich in fat protein lactose All the above None 96. Who postulated the theory of chromosomal basis of linkage Muller T. H. Morgan Griffith Gregor Mendel None 97. Gulab Jamuns are prepared from cream chhana khoa ghee None 98. Offal in poultry is edible inedible both none None 99. Watery pork refers to DFD condition PSE condition PSS condition None of the above None 100. Sustained release drug for pasture bloat Aluminium hydroxide Silica in dimethicone Monensin Turpentine None 101. The by-product obtained in the manufacture of cheese is skim milk butter milk whey yoghurt None 102. The suspected carcasses during post–mortem examination are kept for detailed examination in condemned carcass room detention room unsound meat room ante mortem room None 103. Absence of rigor-mortis in the carcass may result when animals were well rested before slaughter having high fever administered sugar solution after transport driven on foot None 104. Anthrax is characterized by Dark coloured blood oozes out from natural orifices Rigor mortis absent or incomplete Rapid decomposition of the carcass All the above None 105. Most common cause of canine hypothyroidism Thyroid agenesis Thyroid dysharmonogenesis Lymphocytic thyroiditis None of the above None 106. The first cloned water buffalo calf name is Samrupa Garima Mahima Dolly None 107. Nesting behavior in birds is associated with the hormone Progesterone Estradiol Prolactin Vasotocin None 108. The Red revolution is a revolution which is related to the production of (a) Tomato (b) Meat both (a) and (b) None of the above None 109. CP equivalent value of urea 6.25% 16% 45% 281% None 110. Synonym for random mating Panmixia Biased mating Promiscuity Polygyny None 111. Death in rabies is due to neuritis paralysis asphyxia none of the above None 112. Bitterness of milk is due to proteolysis lipolysis autolysis all of the above None 113. Animal species which is not affected by FMD Elephant Rhinoceros Gaur Wild boar None 114. Surgery for removal of urinary calculi in the bladder Nephrotomy Nephrectomy Cystotomy none of the above None 115. Sporadic infection is caused by influenza FMD Tetanus HS None 116. GnRH is secreted from Anterior pituitary gland Posterior pituitary gland Hypothalamus Ovary None 117. Nucleated ___________ are seen in Fowl Thrombocytes Lymphocytes RBCs All the above None 118. Ability of an organism to cause disease in a particular host , in terms of severity is known as incubation period infection virulence susceptibility None 119. For staining milk smear during direct microscopic count, a special stain used is Leishman's stain Acid-fast stain Newman’s stain Grocott's stain None 120. The common indicator organisms used for determining faecal contamination in frozen and thermized foods are Streptococi Pneumococci Enterococci none of the above None 121. Which of the following is not correctly matched Soybean - Trypsin inhibitor GNC - Ricin Raw fish - Thiaminase Sorghum- HCN None 122. Water requirement is related to Energy intake Protein intake Dry matter intake Mineral intake None 123. Cross between a male horse and female ass is Mule Honkey Hinny Stallion None 124. Ranikhet disease is caused by the virus Orthomaxovirus Paramyxovirus Picorna virus Herpesvirus None 125. Characteristic lesions of Ranikhet disease Necrotic hepatitis Haemorragic proventriculitis Haemorrage in caecal tonsils Fibrinous pericarditis None 126. Split estrus is usually seen in Adult mare Heifers Young bitches Buffaloes None 127. In ruminants HCl and pepsin are secreted in Rumen Reticulum Omasum Abomasum None 128. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of Normocytic normochromic anemia Normocytic hypochromic anemia Microcytic hypochromic anemia Macrocytic hypochromic anemia None 129. VFA given with milk replacer for development of ruminal epithelium in young calves Acetate Propionate Butryate None of the above None 130. Among the following domestic animals, sweating ability is highest in Cattle Horse Sheep Dog None 131. Culture media used for the isolation of Leptospira Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI) EMJH medium MacConkey (lactose) Agar Mannitol Salt Aga None 132. Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis is caused by Togavirus Retrovirus Lentivirus Sarcocystis neurona None 133. Cortisol increases blood glucose level by Increasing glycogen synthesis in muscles Increasing lipolysis Increasing gluconeogenesis Increasing growth hormone secretion None 134. Tuberculin test is based on Precipitation Agglutination Hypersensitivity All the above None 135. Act of mating in sheep is known as Covering Serving Tupping Coupling None 136. Which of the following is not an anabolic hormone Thyroxine Somatotropin Estrogen Androgen None 137. Twisting of bowel on itself when it passes through a tear in the mesentery, is called as Intussusception Torsion Volvulus Hernia None 138. Negri bodies are pathognomonic inclusion bodies seen in Fowl pox Rabies African Horse sickness Equine infectious anemia None 139. Dark field microscopy is used for examination of Cocci bacteria Bacilli bacteria Spirochaetes Viruses None 140. Capillary rupture and hemorrhage occurs due to deficiency of Vitamin A Vitamin B12 Vitamin C Vitamin K None 141. Sheep scab is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei Psoroptes ovis Demodex ovis Haematopinus eurysternus None 142. Drug of choice for Schistosoma parasite infestation? Albendazole Piperazine Praziquantal Diethyl carbamazine None 143. Administration of drugs through the skin by means of electric current is called as Dermoject injection Electrophoresis iontophoresis Inunction None 144. The transmission of swine pox virus between pigs done through mechanical route of transmission by insect vectors Trichodectes canis Cuilicoides Hematopinus suis Menacanthus stramineus None 145. Who is the father of mycology? Louis Pasteur Martinus Willem Beijerinck Heinrich Anton de Bary Edward Anthony Jenner None 146. In poultry the feed intake will be higher when Feed rich in energy Feed poor in energy Feed rich in protein None of the above None 147. Straus test is used for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis Leptospirosis Brucellosis Anthrax None 148. The main cause of death in case of burn during latter stage is Hypovolemia Blood loss Asphyxia Secondary bacterial infection (Sepsis) None 149. In sows, maternal recognition of pregnancy is mainly due to the action of Prostaglandins Oxytocin Estrogen Progesterone None 150. Skin obtained from fully grown large animals is known as Lard Hide Tallow Rounds None 151. The starter culture used in the production of yoghurt contains Streptococcus thermophillus Lactobacillus bulgaricus All the above None of the above None 152. Which of the following parasite causes tumour in dogs? Onchocerca lupi Spirocerca lupi Dirofilaria immitis All the above None 153. Infectious Necrotic Hepatitis in sheep is caused by Fasciola hepatica Clonorchis sinensis Gigantocotyle explanatum Clostridium novyi type B None 154. Spiti horse breed originated from Spiti valley located in Jammu & Kashmir Himachal Pradesh Hariyana Maharastra None 155. The space between the incisors and the premolars of rabbits and rodents is known as Galvayne's groove Buccinator space Diastema Dental pad None 156. The packed erythrocytes per unit volume of blood and is expressed as a percentage Hemoglobin % Hematocrit Differential Count HbA1c None 157. Major volatile fatty acid (VFA) responsible for glucose synthesis in cows Acetate Propionate Butyrate None of the above None 158. The entire collection of proteins that an organism produces is known as Genome Proteome Metagenomics Ribonuclease None 159. Chemical used for fumigation of poultry house is Iodine Lysol Formalin CuSo4 None 160. Average dressing percentage of Goat (chevon) 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 70 - 80 None 161. Pseudo lumpy skin disease is caused by Bovine herpes virus-1 Bovine herpes virus-2 Ovine herpes virus-2 Caprine herpes virus-2 None 162. Bluish green discoloration of yolk is due to feeding of __________ to chickens Alfalfa meal Cotton seed meal Soya meal None of the above None 163. Inhaled anesthetics is also called as ‘laughing gas’? Nitric oxide Nitrous oxide Nitrogen dioxide All the above None 164. Antibiotic causing bactericidal effect Sulphonamides Fluoroquinolones Chloramphenicol Tetracyclines None 165. Nerve paralysis and nodules in visceral organs are seen in Tuberculosis Lymphiod leukosis Marek's Disease None of the above None 166. Which of the following technique is used for detection of number of fetuses in bitch? Abdominal palpation Ultrasonography Radiography Progesterone concentration None 167. Intervertebral disc protrusion are common in which of the following breed of dog Dalmations Dachshunds Labradors Great dane None 168. The condition required for sterilization by autoclave 121° C for 30 minutes at 15 psi 121° C for 15 minutes at 30 psi 130-150 °C for 0.5–1.0 second 62.5°C for 30 min None 169. National Institute of High Security Animal Disease (NIHSAD) located at Bangalore Bhopal Mukhteshwar Madhavaram None 170. Which of the following is removed during spaying (ovariohysterectomy) in dogs? Ovaries alone Oviduct and ovaries Ovaries and uterus Suspensory ligament and uterine horn None 171. Presence of "Sulphur granules" in the infected tissues which is pathognomonic for animals infected with Actinomyces bovis E.coli Salmonella sp All the above None 172. Central Frozen Semen Production & Training Institute is located at Bengaluru Alamadhi Hyderabad Izatnagar None 173. Mercuric Chloride test is used for diagnosis of _______ in camels Babesiosis Theileriosis Trypanosomiasis Amoebiasis None 174. The parts of Artificial Vagina can be sterilized by ____________ method before it is used for semen collection to avoid the contamination and disease transmission Hot air oven Autoclave Gamma radiation Filtration None 175. To attain the cornual nerve block in goats, along with the cornual nerve additionally ________ nerve has to be blocked Maxillary Nerve Mandibular Nerve Infratrochlear Nerve Supraorbital nerve None 176. Night blindness caused by a reduced concentration of rhodopsin in the rod is often used to determine Vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin E deficiency. Vitamin C deficiency. None 177. The major protein in egg yolk is ovalbumen ovovitelline ovomacroglobulin ovomucin None 178. Pigment responsible for "bluish green" shell colour is Lutein Ooporphyrins Oocyanin Cryptoxanthin None 179. During moulting the feathers first moult at which part of the body Wings Head Neck Tail None 180. Muzzle twitch is a common restraint applied in Cattle Horse Sheep Pig None 181. Lead poisoning, also known as plumbism saturnism painter's colic All the above None 182. Delhi boil is a synonym of which disease Visceral Leishmaniosis Cutaneous Leishmaniosis Schistosomiosis Diphyllobothriosis None 183. Kangaroo sitting posture in pigs is due to the deficiency of Pantothenic acid Niacin Biotin Riboflavin None 184. The immunoglobulin class which can cross the placenta is lgA lgE lgG lgM None 185. Kidney fat and Peri-renal fat in pork is also known as Caul fat Leaf fat Seam fat None of the above None 186. The largest living mammals in the world Blue whales belongs to the order Macroscelidae Cetaceae Scandentiac Dermoptera None 187. Wave represents contraction of ventricle in ECG (a) P wave (b) QRS wave (c) T wave Both (b) and (c) None 188. Only caprine seen in Western Ghats Nilgiri Marten Nilgiri Tahr Nilgiri Langur Nilgiri Palm Squirrel None 189. When a vaccine is given orally, which type of immunoglobulin generated in the largest quantity IgG IgM IgA IgD None 190. Hemolysis may occur when a blood cell is placed in a Hypertonic solution Hypotonic solution Isotonic solution None of the above None 191. Which of the following drug act as an immunostimulant? Coumaphos Ivermectin Levamisole Corticisteroids None 192. X rays have the most harmful effect on the Skin Bone Lungs Gonads None 193. Severe bleeding from the uterus of large animals may be controlled by Prolactin Progesterone Oxytocin LH None 194. Mulberry heart disease in pigs is due to the deficiency of Vitamin A Vitamin E Niacin Biotin None 195. Loose arrangement of mitochondrial sheath in spermatozoa results in condition called Dag defect Diadem defect Cork screw defect Knobbed sperm None 196. Among the following which is not isotonic? 0.9% sodium chloride 5.0% dextrose Lactated Ringer's solution None of the above None 197. Scientific management of animal waste Copronomy Coprology Coprophagy Seweology None 198. Veterinarian involved in BCG vaccine Calmette Dang Guerin Eevans None 199. The act of killing in Jewish method is known as Shomer Schechita Shochet Terepha None 200. Syrupy urine is seen in Buffalo Horse Elephant Lion None 1 out of 8 Thank You For Participating in the Mock Test Please Click Submit button below Previous0 %NextNext Comments and Discussion Previous Next Related