Previous Next Mock Test 7 – TNVAS – Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Please read the Instructions There will be 200 MCQs, 25 MCQs per page, Total 8 pages. Click the Next and Previous buttons to navigate between the pages Time allotted is 3.00 hrs, answers will be submitted automatically after timeout You need not to answer all the questions, you can leave any questions unanswered and check the correct answer after submission Answers will be displayed after submission Kindly fill-up your email address to receive a copy of your test. All the Best !!! Click the Next button below to Start the test Name Email Phone 1. Ingestion of particulate matter is known as endocytosis ectocytosis phagocytosis pinocytosis None 2. The boiling point of cow milk is 100 °C 100.17 °C 105.17 °C 107.15 °C None 3. As compared to other milks human milk is rich in protein fat lactose ash None 4. Which of the following animal possess highest sperm concentration per ml of semen sheep bull buffalo bull poultry None 5. Penile papillae (spines) are present in stallion boar dog cat None 6. Episiotomy can be done in following condition constricted vulval lips undilated of cervix constricted vagina all the above None 7. Surgical opening of crop in birds is known as pinionuy uvalotorny ingluvotomy caponisation None 8. The leukocyte comparable to the neutrophil in birds is known as neutrophil basophil heterophil none of the above None 9. The basis of therapeutic ultrasound is pulse-echo reflection refraction absorption None 10. Which of the following is having highest biological value? milk egg meat soybean None 11. The test cross is a cross between heterozygous and homozygous dominant homozygous recessive heterozygous any of the parent None 12. Animal Welfare Board of India is located at Chennai Faridabad Hyderabad Bengaluru None 13. A highly absorptive outer covering is present in flukes tapeworms roundworms all the above None 14. Wet pox referred to systemic form of fowl pox cutaneous form of fowl pox diphtheritic form of fowl pox none of the above None 15. Ivermectin stays in intestines and continues to kill worms there for 1day 7 days 14 days 30 days None 16. The metacestode of following tapeworm found in striated muscle of cattle is Taenia solium Taenia saginata Taenia ovis Taenia asiatica None 17. The cercariae of Dicrocoelium dendriticum clump together and are called as metacercaria mesocercaria cercaria pigmentata slime balls None 18. The normal process by which animal removes gas from rumen is rumination regurgitation eructation mastication None 19. Consumption of raw or improperly cooked fish can lead to infection with Fasciolopsis buski Diphyllobothrium latum Eurytrema pancreaticum Paragonimus None 20. Mention the name of catheter used for drainage of pus from guttural pouch through nose Foleys catheter indwelling catheter Gunthers catheter None of the above None 21. Connecting the bladder to skin by catheter through artificial route is called as cystotomy tubectomy tube cystostomy urethrotomy None 22. Larviparous fly is Musca domestica Tabanus striatus Oestrus ovis Gastrophillus nasalis None 23. Synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (Thumps) in horses is caused by hypoglycemia hypocalcaemia hypercalcaemia hyperkalemia None 24. The therapeutic dose of glucose in bovine ketosis is 5 µg/kg BW 0.5 mg/kg BW 5 mg/kg BW 0.5 g/kg BW None 25. Posterior deviation of knee in horse is known as goat kne sheep knee calf knee knock knee None 26. The most common joint dislocation occurs in cow after slippery surface is fetlock joint knee joint hip joint hock joint None 27. The following drug is contraindicated in canine demodicosis ivermectin amitraz corticosteroid B complex vitamins None 28. Gumboro disease in poultry is caused by corona virus herpes virus IBD virus paramyxo virus None 29. The first farm animal to be domesticated was cow sheep horse pig None 30. Dolly (sheep) was created by embryo transfer nuclear transfer from fetal cells nuclear transfer from mammary cells nuclear transfer from embryonic stem cells None 31. National Institute of Animal Biotechnology is located at Ranchi Hyderabad Bengaluru Chennai None 32. Double toned milk contains____________% fat 1.5 3 4.5 6 None 33. Higher specific gravity in buffalo milk is due to higher fat content SNF content lactose content protein content None 34. The carcass yield % of pig is 50 60 70 80 None 35. Koster’s staining is used to diagnose Anthrax Brucellosis Actinomycosis Tuberculosis None 36. Pear shaped abdomen is characteristic in Hydrallantois Hydramnion Fetal ascites All the above None 37. Cork screw penis is a characteristic feature in Dog Bull Boar Ram None 38. Fraud in sale of livestock products is dealt under the IPC section? 428 & 429 272 & 273 377 None of the above None 39. Self-cure phenomenon is associated with Haemonchus contortus Fasciola spp. Ostertagia spp. Schistosome spp. None 40. A quantitative faecal examination procedure involving a special counting chamber Willis Technique Stoll’s method Mc Master technique Lane’s technique None 41. Nodular lesion producing parasite is/are Oesophastomum columbianum Stilesia globipunctata Spirocerca lupi All the above None 42. Glanders is caused by (A) Pseudomonas mallei (B) Streptococcus equi (C) Burkholderia mallei both A and C None 43. The gangarenous mastitis in ewes is called as Hard bag Blue bag White bag Green bag None 44. The smallest piglet born in a litter is called as Stag Gilt Runt Pup None 45. The drug of choice for Canine Ehrlichiosis Diminazine aceturate Oxytetracycline Buparvaquone Ivermectin None 46. Mcfadeyan’s reaction is noticed in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Bacillus anthracis Pastuerella multocida Brucella abortus None 47. The most common place of lodging of urinary calculi in ram is Sigmoid flexure Glans penis Urethral process Urinary bladder None 48. Primary sperm abnormalities are arising at Epididymis Vasdeferens Seminal vesicle Testes None 49. Groundnut oil cake contain----------------------- % of crude protein 60 25 35 45 None 50. Eclampsia in mares is caused by Hypomagnesemia Hypocalcemia Hypophosphatemia Hypokalemia None 51. "Baby pig disease" is caused by Hypocalcemia Hypoglycemia Anemia Hypomagnesemia None 52. Metronidazole is the drug of choice for Trypanosomosis Leishmaniasis Amoebiasis Coccidiosis None 53. Rainey's corpuscles (or) Miescher's corpuscles in the voluntary muscles of vertebrates is caused by Toxoplasma Leishmania Sarcocystis Theileria None 54. Blood is added in blood agar medium about 1 % 5% 15% 20% None 55. Wild game is reservoir host for Taenia saginata Entamoeba histolytica Trypanosoma evansi Eimeria tenella None 56. Pulpy Kidney Disease is caused by Clostridium novyi Clostridium tetani Clostridium perfringens type D Clostridium septicum None 57. Hemophilia is a condition which is inherited as Sex linked Sex limited Sex influenced None of the above None 58. Turkey Egg Kidney is seen in Swine Pox Swine Influenza Swine Fever Swine Erysipelas None 59. Deep chested dog is prone to which of the following surgical condition Diaphragmatic hernia Intestinal obstruction Gastric dilatation and volvulus Gastric ulcer None 60. Disease caused by Clostridium septicum is Black Quarter Enterotoxaemia Braxy Tetanus None 61. An anthelmintic drug having immunostimulant action is Ivermectin Levamisole Albendazole Oxyclozanide None 62. In Guinea pigs the most common deficiency is produced by Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K None 63. Chocolate brown color of blood indicates the following poisoning Copper Nitrate/Nitrite HCN Lead None 64. Most susceptible animal for Haemorrhagic septicaemia is Dog Goat Sheep Buffalo None 65. Most susceptible host to aflatoxicosis is Goat Sheep Chickens Ducklings None 66. Localized tetanus is noticed in Cattle Goat Dog Horse None 67. Microbes involved in the production of biogas? Lactibacillus Methanogens E coli Clostridium None 68. Rakshavac-T is an indigenous vaccine used against Babesiosis Hydatidosis Theileriosis Lung worms None 69. Immunity which act against invading larval stages but not against an existing infection is known as Premunity Humoral immunity Concomitant immunity Sterile immunity None 70. Sellar's staining technique is used for the diagnosis of….. Tuberculosis Anthrax Brucellosis Rabies None 71. Ring worm infection is caused by….. (A) Dermatophytes (B) Trichophyton spp (C) Microsporum spp All the above None 72. Calf hood vaccination is advisable for Pasteurellosis Salmonellosis Brucellosis Anthrax None 73. In a PCR reaction the two short single-stranded oligonucleotide sequences complimentary to the 3′ ends flanking the segment of DNA to be amplified is Template Primer Probe dNTPs None 74. The demand for livestock products are keep on increasing because they have Price elastic Income elastic Price inelastic Income inelastic None 75. Cold enrichment is required for the isolation of Staphylococcus aureus Erysipelothrix Listeria monocytogenes Clostridium tetani None 76. The radiographic diagnosis of intestinal obstruction is done by using Conray -420 Barium sulphate Urographin Ipamidol None 77. Source of bacitracin is Bacillus polymyxa Bacillus subtilis Streptomyces aureqfaciens Streptomycin rimosus None 78. Most common Serotype of FMD virus in India is A C O Asia-1 None 79. Crone is the synonym of the Young sow Broken mouth sow Old aged ewe Ewe with loss of teat None 80. Taenia multiceps is a tape worm of dog and it’s larval stage present in sheep/cattle is known as Cysticercus bovis Coenurus cerebralis Hydatid cyst Nasal bot None 81. The first veterinary university in Asia was started in India at Chennai Mumbai Kolkata Izatnagar None 82. Bacteria responsible for food poisoning Staph. aureus Clostridium botulinum Bacillus cereus All the above None 83. Haemorrhages at the tip of the proventricular gland is the pathognomic lesion seen in Chronic respiratory disease Avian influenza Ranikhet disease Infectious bursal disease None 84. "Nutritional roup" in Poultry is caused due to deficiency of Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K None 85. Which organelles is the site for ATP production? Nucleus Mitochondria Gogli complex Ribosomes None 86. Curled toe paralysis in chicken is due to deficiency of Vitamin B1(Thiamine) Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) None 87. Biological vector of Bluetongue virus is Aedes Culicoides Anopheles House fly None 88. Treatment of upward fixation of patella Lateral patellar desmotomy Medial patellar desmotomy Middle patellar desmotomy None of the above None 89. Early insemination during estrous leads to fertilization failure due to Ageing of sperms Ageing of zygote Ageing of ovum none of above None 90. The most common bacterium causing joint pain Pasteurella Shigella Salmonella Brucella None 91. In which disease post mortem of carcass is prohibited? Haemorragic septicemia Rabies Anthrax Brucellosis None 92. Somatic cell count is associated with Stomatitis Brucellosis Mastitis Scarlet fever None 93. Third trochanter (or) trochanter tertius is present in the femur of Ox Sheep Goat Horse None 94. Common site of occurrence of haematoma in dog is Ear Eyelid Tail tip Digit None 95. The dose of a drug that kills 50 % of the population is known as ED50 LD50 KD50 Half life dose None 96. The causative agent of hydatidosis is Echinococcus granulosus Diphylobothrium spp. Taenia solium Taenia saginata None 97. Galvayne’s groove will reach the entire length of teeth at the age of 10 years 20 years 30 years 40 years None 98. Hyperuricaemia leads to Gout Calcification Melanosis All the above None 99. Measly beef is caused by Cysticercus cellulose Cysticercus bovis Cysticercus cerebralis Cysticercus tenucolis None 100. For intravenous (IV) dosages, what is the bioavailability assumed to be? 0% 25% 50% 100% None 101. To prepare 5% thiopental anesthetic drug with the 2.5g vial package, how much distilled water do you need? 5 ml 20 ml 50 ml 100 ml None 102. The definitive host for Taenia saginata is Cattle Human Dog Pig None 103. Which type of Anthrax is common in human beings Pulmonary form Cutaneous form Reproductive form Intestinal form None 104. Inability to close the eyes is termed as Ectropion Panopthalmia Lagopthalmia Ptosis None 105. "Sheep nasal fly" is synonymically called as Tabanus ovis Oestrus ovis Melophagus ovis None of the above None 106. Biphasic curve temperature is the characteristic symptom of which disease? Infectious Canine Hepatitis Rabies Canine distemper Parvoviral diseas None 107. Liquefaction necrosis is most commonly seen in Heart Lungs Kidney Brain None 108. Which is the home tract of Bargur Cattle Erode Krishnagiri Salem Dharmapuri None 109. Important economic traits in cattle Milk yield and tupping percentage Milk yield and calving interval Milk yield and weaning weight Milk yield and coat colour None 110. Air sac mite of fowl is Cytodites nudus Acarus favinae Caparinia triplis Glyciphagus domesticus None 111. Rat tailed appearance in horses is caused by Strongylus vulgaris Habronema majus Strongyloides papillosus Oxyuris equi None 112. Arthrapod vector of Blue tongue disease is Biting flies Culicoides Mosquitoes Ticks None 113. What is the duration between two consecutive egg laying in chicken 12 -16 hrs 16-20 hrs 25-26 hrs 30-35 hrs None 114. The amino acid which has a primary role in the prevention of muscular dystrophy in chicks is Glycine Cysteine Histidine Phenylalanine None 115. Tarai breed belonging to Uttarakhand is a Cattle breed Buffalo breed Sheep breed Goat breed None 116. In poultry farm, Light is essential for Warmth Growth Egg production Disease prevention None 117. The fat content is highest in milk of Cow Buffaloes Goat Human None 118. The pathognomonic lesion in Johne's Disease is Zebra marking in intestine Button ulcers in intestine Mucosal folding with transverse corrugational thickening of intestine Haemorrhagic enteritis None 119. The pelvic organs can be palpated through this passage Vagina Rectum Colon Oral None 120. Alimentary canal consist of all except Esophagus Stomach Liver Intestine None 121. The constant presence with usual frequency of occurrence of disease in a population Endemic Epidemic Sporadic Pandemic None 122. Which one of the following drug facilitates examination of penis in bull and stallions Acepromazine Droperidol Climazdam Flumazenil None 123. The muscle extends from the distal third of the femur to the point of the hock Soleus Gastrocnemius Deep digital flexor Superficial digital flexor None 124. Fibrinous peritonitis is commonly seen in Feline leukemia virus infection Feline infectious peritonitis Feline immuno defeciency virus Feline distemper None 125. Which one of the following is not suitable for synchronizing estrus in Pigs Oestrogen + PGF2 alpha Progesterone in feed hCC + PGF2 alpha PGF2 alpha alone None 126. Lizard poisoning in cat is caused by Platinosomum fastosum Gnathosoma spinigerum Physaloptera spp Toxocara cati None 127. Casings are prepared from .......................... layer of intestine Mucosal Sub-mucosal Muscular Serosal None 128. The haemal lymphnodes are found only in Cattle Sheep and Goats Pigs None of the above None 129. Average feed consumption of an adult indigenous pig is 1 kg/day 2 kg/day 3 kg/day 4 kg/day None 130. National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) was established in 1955 1965 1975 1985 None 131. Organisms that lack a defined nucleus Plant cells Animal cells Prokaryotes Eukaryotes None 132. The gas used for stunning of food animal is Oxygen Hydrogen Nitrogen Carbondioxide None 133. Among sample recommended for doping investigation, which among the following is incorrect Saliva Sweat Hair Urine None 134. Emergency treatment for Acetamenophen intoxication in cats is Methyl prednisolone Ranitidine Paracetamol N-Acetyl cysteine None 135. Phonocardiography is used for Recording of ECG in horses Characterization and timing of murmurs Recording systolic pressure in Cattle To measure vascular elasticity None 136. Which of the following causes post parturient haemoglobinuria in cattle? Calcium defeciency Mg defeciency Phosphorus defeciency Potassium defeciency None 137. The antibacterial activity of amoxicillin may include pencillinase-producing organisms if it is combined with Sulbactum Clavulanic acid Enrofloxacin Ampicillin None 138. In cattle, high intake of rumen degradable protein may lead to embryonic mortality due to Increased incidence of uterine infection Alteration of pH of uterine environment Obesity Lipid accumulation None 139. The causative agent of crop mycosis (thrush) in young chickens and turkeys Cryptococcus neoformans Microsporum nanum Candida albicans Microsporum gypreum None 140. Cobalt deficiency in farm animals results in _________ Vitamin deficiency Vitamin A Vitamin K Vitamin B12 Vitamin E None 141. A break in the continuity of soft tissue is called as Ulcer Wound Abscess Cyst None 142. The offence including causing suffering and pain to animals is punishable under PCA Act 1958 1960 1965 1978 None 143. Animals which died of natural causes showing fullness of blood vessels and ________ coloured meat is due to lack of proper bleeding. Dark red Light red Brownish red Greenish red None 144. Nails swallowed by the cattle, commonly lodged in this compartment and perforates diaphragm Rumen Reticulum Omasum Abomasum None 145. Oval prominences of the mucous membrane lining the uterus are called as Cotyledons Placentomes Caruncles Hippomanes None 146. Brandy zoites characteristics of chronic Toxoplasma infection are seen in Blood Lymph Faeces Brain None 147. A qualified veterinarian can _____ the horse if it is affected with dourine. Destroy Castrate Treat Quarantine None 148. Elevation and rigidity of tail, ears and limbs are good indication of ______ in animals Tetanus Botulism Electrocution Cyanide poisoning None 149. In which degree of burn injury, the blisters are formed by exudation of plasma? 1st degree 2nd degree 3rd degree 4th degree None 150. Garole sheep breed belongs to Orissa Assam West Bengal Tamilnadu None 151. What is the floor space requirement for cow? 3 sq. meter 3.5 sq. meter 4 sq. meter 4.5 sq. meter None 152. As per breeding policy of Tamilnadu, use of Holstein Friesian (HF) bull semen is recommended for grading up of Non-Descript breed of cows in the areas like Coimbatore, Udumalpet, Pollachi and Dharmapuri Nilgiris, Kanyakumari and Kodaikkanal Thanjavur, Thiruvarur and Nagai Districts Madurai, Thirunelveli and Viruthunagar district None 153. Calcium channel blocker Captopril Labetalol Verapamil Losartan None 154. Number of thoracic vertebrae in OX 9 12 13 18 None 155. Fructose is a source of energy for spermatozoa in the semen of domestic animals except Bull Boar Dog Ram None 156. A closed wound which is produced by blunt objects results in damage to subcutaneous tissues without break in continuity of the skin surface is Bruise Contusion Hematoma Seroma None 157. The nerve block given for motorparalysis of eyelid is Mental nerve block Retrobulbar nerve block Auriculopalpebral nerve block Infratrachlear nerve block None 158. Perishable livestock product Leather Feeder Meat All the above None 159. Homogenization of milk increases the fat globules size decreases the protein particle size increases the protein particle size decreases the fat globules size None 160. In retail markets, the storage temperature of butter should be not exceeding 8 degree C not exceeding 4 degree C not exceeding -1 degree C below 0 degree C None 161. Example for intercellular parasite is Babesia Theileria Trypanosoma Plasmodium None 162. Which of the following technique is reliable for estimating fatty infiltration of liver Ultrasound Radiography Liver biopsy Laproscopy None 163. Oocysts of cryptosporidium parvum can be demonstrated by using Leishman's stain Giemsa stain Modified Ziehl Neelsen's stain Lugols iodine None 164. Injecting bromocriptone decreases the secretion of the hormone Thyroxine Parathormone Prolactin Growth hormone None 165. The vestigial first premolar teeth of the horse is popularly known as Canine teeth Wolf-teeth Pinchers Hippers None 166. Which of the following expands generally at the time of erection and prevents withdrawal during ejaculation in mating of dogs Os penis Glans penis Bulbus glandis penile sheath None 167. Microbial proteins can be synthesized in the rumen by using one of the following Dietary carbohydrates Non-protein nitrogen sources Volatile fatty acids Microbial destruction None 168. Prozone phenomenon is encountered with Complement fixation test ELISA Agglutination reaction Immunoelectrophorosis None 169. Crisis phenomenon in dogs is observed due to infection with Toxocara canis Ancylostoma caninum Trichuris vulpis Spirocerca lupi None 170. In domestic fowl, the clavicles of two sides unites to form a plate called as wishbone Hypocleidium furcula all the above None 171. Which of the following hormones have primarily Luteinizing Hormone (LH) like activity Pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin Human menopausal gonodotrophin Human chorionic gonadotrophin Follicle stimulating hormone None 172. The method of sex determination in birds is XO XY ZW XA None 173. Post mortem of chick shows foul smelling yellow-brown watery Yolk, fibrinous perihepatitis and pericarditis, suspect the disease Infectious Bronchitis Infectious Coryza Fowl Typhoid Coli Bacillosis None 174. Metallic foreign bodies are mostly recovered from Esophagus Rumen Reticulum Abomasum None 175. Liptak test is performed for the diagnosis of LDA Vagal indigestion Ruminal acidosis Ruminal tympany None 176. Which one fo the following animal vomits only through nostril because of its very long and well developed soft palate? Ox Horse Dog Pig None 177. Red Kandhari cattle belongs to Punjab Madhya Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra None 178. The purkinjee cells are found in Heart Cerebrum Cerebellum Spinal cord None 179. Swine erysipelas is also called as Q-fever Diamond skin disease Apthus fever Splenic fever None 180. Over feeding of silage to Sheep may lead to __________ disease Anthrax Enterotoxaemia Botulism Listeriosis None 181. Prolonged feeding of pigs with fish meal will lead to White muscle disease brown fat disease pipe stem liver disease milk spot liver None 182. The Indian goat breed which has contributed for evolving Anglo-Nubian Barbari Jamnapari Osmanabadi Black Bengal None 183. Karan-Swiss cattle is a cross between Sahiwal and Jersey Tharparkar and Brown Swiss Sahiwal and Brown Swiss Tharparkar and Holstein Friesian None 184. The native of Jersey Cattle breed is England Netherland New Jersey (USA) Denmark None 185. Bumble foot in poultry is caused by Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus intermedius Staphylococcus gallinarum Staphylococcus uberies None 186. The stain used in MacFayden reaction is Carbol fuchsin Polychrome Methylene blue Indian ink Acid-Fast Stain None 187. Toxin responsible for scarlet fever is Tetanospasmin Tetanolysin Erythrogenic toxins Botulinum toxins None 188. CSF pressure is increased in Polioencephalomalacia Bacterial meningitis Hypovitaminosis All the above None 189. Quadriplegia is a paralysis involving forelimbs hindlimbs hindquarter all the four limbs None 190. Which of the following animal has incomplete orbit Cattle Sheep Horse Dog None 191. Mallein test is an allergic hypersensitivity test used as a diagnosis for Tuberculosis Glanders Tetanus Anthrax None 192. Hippomanes are usually found in yolk sac amniotic fluid allantoic fluid none of the above None 193. The re-arousal of a male animal by the introduction of a new female in the herd onanism balling up coolidge effect pederasty None 194. In which of the following species, characteristic downward movement of the tail known as tail flagging is exhibited after ejaculation bovine equine swine ovine None 195. Twisting of the neck that causes the head to rotate and tilt at an odd angle. forced gaze star gazing vertex torticolis None 196. The type of placenta present in equine, swine and ruminants epitheliochoreal haemochoreal endotheliochoreal hemoendotheliochoreal None 197. Blood calcium level is increased by calcitonin parathyroid hormone thymulin aldosterone None 198. The Anti nutritional factor present in Jowar is aflatoxin gossypol tannin trypsin inhibitor None 199. The antigen presenting cell is/are macrophages dendritic cells B Lymphocyte all the above None 200. The first outbreak of Avian influenza in India was in the state of Orissa Uttarpradesh Maharashtra West Bengal None 1 out of 8 Thank You For Participating in the Mock Test Please Click Submit button below Comments and Discussion Previous Next Related